A trendy monochromatic image featuring a young person with their hair up, wearing sunglasses and smiling behind a bold text overlay that reads: "8 hilarious spiritual Twitter responses to Mercury retrograde.

8 Hilarious Responses to Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is notorious for making people really angry, whether that’s due to a crashed computer, crashed car, or smashed iPhone screen. Hoping to help people cope with the hardships of Mercury Retrograde, we spent a few hours on Twitter and discovered that some things not only happen for a reason but they also happen to make people laugh very hard! Whether or not you meant to post a hilarious tweet about our favorite backwards traveling planet, that laughter energy still traveled through to us, and we want to share it with everyone! If you’re wondering how to get through Mercury Retrograde, these funny tweets have you covered.

8 Hilarious Ways to Twitter Users are Responding to Mercury Retrograde

1. This is my hood. Sup Mercury Retrograde?

“That’s why I always start with a gun, because you can’t top it. You just can’t.” – Michael Scott, The Office.

2. You don’t have to call and confess, Mercury.

We gon’ find you − and set you straight.

3. Hold onto your hats!

We’re still debating about getting some pyramid hats. We’re not kidding!

4. Reach for the stars? Reach for Mars?

No, reach for Mercury.

5. Such intensity. Such power!

This one is actually pretty amazing! When life throws you curveball, throw it right back! Here comes a curveball of knowledge!

6. Poof!

We almost literally died on this one!

7. Just when you thought winter was over.

Pick your cave, and tuck in until it all straightens out.

8. Someone’s having the best Mercury Retrograde ever!

I mean, did we not say that pizza is the only thing that would make a Mercury Retrograde better? It will give you life! Check out number 5 on this Mercury Retrograde article!

Do you feel this way, too? You’re not alone! Share this with your friends.

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