New Moon Spells Moon Phases Motivation Spells New Moon Spells & Rituals

Virgo New Moon Spell For Motivation

Call in the transformative energies of the Virgo New Moon. This spell helps enhance your intentions and set the stage for personal growth.

As the moon enters the analytical sign of Virgo, its energy invites us to embrace:

  • Organization.
  • Self-improvement.
  • A deeper connection with the earthly realm.
  • Refined goals.
  • Eliminated clutter.
  • Balance in our lives.

This is a great moment to align your desires and embark on a journey of self-care, healing, and manifestation.

You can tap into the moon’s current Virgo energy to amplify your intentions and bring about positive change.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your physical well-being, boost your productivity, or cultivate a harmonious environment, the Virgo New Moon spell can serve as a potent tool for aligning your aspirations with the lunar rhythms and embracing the magic of transformation.


Motivation Full Moon Spell For Virgo New Moon

Use quartz crystals and the Virgo New moon for this motivation and focus spell.
Keyword New Moon Spells, Virgo Moon Spells, Virgo Spells


  • 1 Lighter


  • 1 piece Clear Quartz for clarity and motivation
  • 1 stick Cleansing Incense for cleansing
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Paper and pen
  • 1 bowl Salt represents Virgo's earth element
  • 1 Peppermint Essential Oil for focus and clarity


  • Create Your Sacred Space: Find a quiet and peaceful place where you will be undisturbed. Cleanse the area and spell ingredients with cleansing incense, moving the smoke around to purify the energy.
    1 stick Cleansing Incense
  • Cast A Circle: This can be as simple as imagining a circle of light around you, setting a boundary for your focused energy. You can also physically draw it with salt or chalk if you prefer.
  • Light The Candle: As you light the candle, say: "With this flame, I ignite the spark of my intentions, seeking guidance, clarity, and motivation. Virgo moon, guide me."
    1 White Candle
  • Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your new project's goals and what you hope to achieve. Be as specific and detailed as possible, reflecting Virgo's detail-oriented nature.
    1 Paper and pen
  • Meditate With Your Stone: Hold the clear quartz in your hand and visualize your intentions coming to fruition. Feel the energy of the Virgo New Moon supporting your project.
    1 piece Clear Quartz
  • Anoint Yourself With Oil: Place a drop of diluted peppermint oil on your wrist, forehead, or neck. As you do, say: "With this oil, I awaken my senses, focus my mind, and align with my purpose."
    1 Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Bury Your Intentions: Place the paper with your written intentions into the bowl of earth or salt. As you do, say: "I plant the seed of my intentions, trusting that they will grow and manifest in perfect timing."
    1 bowl Salt
  • Close The Circle: Thank your guides, the energy of the Virgo New Moon, and yourself for focusing on your goals. Imagine the circle of light closing and the energy being sealed.
  • Extinguish The Candle: If you want, you can let the candle burn down, symbolizing your intentions coming to light. Or you can extinguish it, knowing that your spellwork is complete.
  • Carry Your Stone: Keep the clear quartz with you, especially while working on your project, as a tangible reminder of your intentions.
  • Bury The Paper: Pour the soil and paper into a planter or your yard and know the spell is done.


Remember, the most important part of any spell or ritual is your intention and focus. The above steps are symbolic, meant to help you concentrate and direct your energy towards your goals. Feel free to adapt or add to this ritual as suits you best!
Astrology Moon Phases New Moon

New Moon In Virgo: What Does It Mean?

The New Moon in Virgo captures our attention because its energy heralds a time of new beginnings and personal growth.

Virgo, the sixth astrological sign in the zodiac, symbolizes:

  • Practicality.
  • Meticulousness.
  • A keen eye for detail.

Governed by Mercury, Virgo’s energy is analytical and strives for perfection.

The New Moon phase of the lunar cycle symbolizes new beginnings and renewal.

When the Moon is in Virgo, this phase takes on a more practical and grounded aspect, encouraging self-reflection and critical thinking.

Let’s explore the intricate dance between the Moon and Virgo, and how they intertwine to impact our lives.

The Symbolism Of The New Moon In Virgo

Transformation And Growth

A New Moon in Virgo is a unique opportunity to reassess life’s direction and make necessary changes. It’s a time for transformation, growth, and aligning with one’s true purpose.

Our favorite way to make changes and grow is through a new moon challenge.

Health And Wellness

Virgo’s association with health and wellness means that a New Moon in this sign emphasizes taking care of our bodies and minds. This period encourages a focus on healthy eating, exercise, and mental clarity.

How The New Moon in Virgo Affects Other Signs

Impact On Earth Signs

For Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), this New Moon enhances practical thinking, stability, and determination.

Impact On Water Signs

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) might experience heightened intuition and emotional sensitivity.

Impact On Fire Signs

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are likely to feel a renewed sense of ambition and confidence.

Impact On Air Signs

For Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), the energy of the New Moon in Virgo might bring about intellectual growth and enhanced communication.

Rituals And Practices To Do During The Virgo New Moon

Meditation And Reflection

This is a perfect time to meditate and reflect on personal goals and how to achieve them.

Virgo New Moon Rituals

The best Virgo New Moon rituals to cast involve:

Here are a few of our favorite spells to cast during a Virgo New Moon:

The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful cosmic event with broad and intimate implications. Whether you’re an Earth sign looking to ground yourself or a Water sign seeking emotional insight, this phase offers something unique for everyone. Embrace the energy, connect with your inner self, and grow.


What is the best way to celebrate the New Moon in Virgo?

Engaging in self-reflection, meditation, and setting clear intentions are excellent ways to celebrate this lunar phase.

Can the New Moon in Virgo affect my mood?

Yes, many people report feeling more introspective, focused, and inspired during this time.

What rituals are associated with the New Moon in Virgo?

Rituals often include meditation, intention-setting, and sometimes specific rituals related to health and wellness.

First Quarter Moon Full Moon Moon Phases New Moon Spells & Rituals Third Quarter Moon

How to use the Moon Phases for Spells and Magick

Ready to make your spells more powerful? Want to learn how to make your spells work faster? Use the timing of the Moon to add more energy to your spells and intentions!

For centuries, our ancestors have looked up at the sky and using what they saw for timing, healing, predicting, and adoration. When we look to our grandmothers and great grandmothers, we find that they hold a drop of knowledge leftover from the old days, when we were still connected to the Earth and Sky.

Luckily, this knowledge hasn’t been totally removed from our culture! Our Neo-Pagan and Wiccan sisters and brothers still work, live, and dance by the phase of the moon!

Here is how we use the phases of the moon for spell timing!

How to use the Moon Phases for Spells and Magick

New Moon 

  • Reflect and meditate on your internal needs and goals.
  • Give thanks to your inner strength.
  • Cast binding spells.
  • Use this dark moon as a final and powerful time to remove or release large or powerful obstacles from your life.
  • Begin work to fill the void (left from removing obstacles) with positivity.
  • Begin work to bring things into your life.

Waxing Crescent Moon

(Starting on the third day of the New Moon)

  • Cast spells to bring something into your life.
  • Cast spells for new beginnings.
  • Cast magick for positive change.
  • Cast spells for increasing protection.
  • Begin slow, steady long-term manifestation work.
  • Use the visualization and mantra: As the moon grows to be full, so, too, shall [your wish] in my life.

First-Quarter Moon

  • Mid-Waxing Check-in: How did your waxing moon spell go? Does it seem to be working? Has it manifested? If not, pivot, and re-cast now.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

(Ending on the first day of the Full Moon)

  • Cast spells for rapid growth.
  • Cast minor spells for quick manifestation.

Full Moon

  • Reflect and meditate on where you are in life.
  • Give thanks to how full your life is.
  • Charge your crystals, tools, and talismans.
  • Cast spells for psychic awareness.
  • Cast spells for enlightenment.
  • Cast spells for powerful protection.

Waning Gibbous Moon

(Starting on the third day of the Full Moon)

  • Cast spells to remove things and harmful energies/situations from your life.
  • Cast banishing spells.
  • Begin magick to remove long-time habits and energy from your life.
  • Use the visualization and mantra: As light is removed from the moon, so, too, shall [your bane] be removed from my life.

Third-Quarter Moon

  • Mid-Waning Check-in: How did your waning moon spell go? Does it seem to be working? Has that obstacle, item, person, or illness been removed from your life? If not, pivot, and re-cast now.

Waning Crescent Moon

(Ending on the first day of the New Moon)

  • Cast spells for rapid removal.
  • Cast minor spells for quick removal.

Copyright 2017 Jennifer “Aurora Moone” McDonald / All Rights Reserved.

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