When is Mabon?

Countdown to Mabon 2021

History of Mabon

Mabon: Meanings and a Quick History

Happy Witches’ Thanksgiving! It’s time to turn the Witches’ Wheel of the Year once more,👉

How to Pronounce Mabon

Put an end to the confusion. Discover the correct pronunciation of Mabon and why it's👉

5 Quick Ways to Celebrate Mabon

Busy Witch, like us? Forgot to plan a Mabon ritual? We know how that goes;👉

What cultures does Mabon come from?

What is the difference between Mabon and the Autumn Equinox?

Am I allowed to celebrate Mabon if I’m not from Wales?

We love to tell everyone to follow their own guidance, follow their own energy, and, if you’re called to, follow their ancestry. Learn anything you’re called to learn and then respect what you have learned and experienced. Respect is key.

Why do we celebrate The Autumn Equinox?

What are other names for the Autumn Equinox?

Mabon Correspondences

Mabon, Dionysus, Thoth

Brown, Orange, Red, Gold

Apple, Cinnamon, Patchouli

Ale, Apples, Cider, Grapes, Lamb, Locally-harvested Fruits & Vegetables, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Squash, Wine

Acorns, Bolines, Dried Leaves, Gourds, Scythes

Witches’ Thanksgiving, Balance, Hearth & Home Protection

How do I celebrate Mabon?

Mabon Rituals

Mabon Ritual for Ultimate Balance

Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is a time for coming to terms with👉

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5 Quick Ways to Celebrate Mabon

Busy Witch, like us? Forgot to plan a Mabon ritual? We know how that goes;👉

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Mabon Recipes

Mabon Shopping