Psychic Abilities Divination

How to Become a Psychic

Is becoming a psychic really as easy as buying a crystal ball, pulling on multi-colored shawls, and lighting dozens of candles? In our opinion, yes! It is easy to become a psychic! It’s easy because we’re all already psychic! The key is accepting the “oddness” of it and congratulating yourself on psychic activity that you already possess! This congratulatory approach tells your brain and body that psychic = good! Over time, you’ll start being psychic automatically!

Everyone is naturally psychic. Psychic gifts are a natural human trait. If you’ve ever known what song is about to play next on the radio or felt when someone is about to call or text you, you’re tapping into your own special gifts! All you have to do is give yourself a little bit of positive feedback!

That’s right; our bodies are trained to automatically do good stuff that has been rewarded; likewise, it’s naturally inclined to not do things that have negative connotations. So, let’s start by recognizing small things that qualify as a psychic activity! So, let’s get ready to learn how to develop psychic abilities!

How do I know if I’m psychic?

If anything has ever happened to you that seemed weird and that you were unable to explain immediately by science, you’re psychic. We know this is a vague way to judge such an awesome ability, so we’ve put together a list.

Pay special attention here. This ESP ability list will act as your foundation for increasing your clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairgustance!

List: You know you are psychic if:

(If any of these psychic phenomena has happened to you, you’re psychic! Pay attention and start physically congratulating yourself when they happen! The positive reinforcement will create new psychic habits in your body!)

  1. You thought about someone seconds before the called or texted.
  2. You knew exactly what song would come on shuffle next (even if you didn’t say it out loud).
  3. You knew some knowledge that you had no way of knowing! You know you’ve never looked that up on Wikipedia before.
  4. You’re a good judge of character.
  5. Houses creep you out sometimes.
  6. Family members have visited you in dreams.
  7. Pets are naturally friendly to you.
  8. You grew up with imaginary friends.
  9. Someone crosses your mind who you haven’t thought about in years.
  10. You feel sad or depressed without warning or reason.

Positive Reinforcement

If you’ve ever been told that a gut feeling was silly, you’ve been negatively conditioned to stop being psychic. The result: your body will stop responding to subtle energies that trigger our psychic senses.

We need to turn these senses and psychic powers back on. We need to tell your body that it’s good to react to subtle vibes in your environment. Through positive reinforcement, you can send signals to your brain that tell it that your body is allowed to be psychic. This is the key to psychic development.

So, when you find yourself having a psychic moment:

  1. Drop everything
  2. Physically pat yourself on the back
  3. Tell yourself “Good job” out loud.

Your body will remember the good, rewarding feeling. Over time, your body will start to crave this feeling, and it will begin to show psychic activity in order to get that feel-good pat on the back!

Trust us! Self-care has its highlights!

5 Steps to Becoming a Psychic

Now that we know how to keep your medium abilities going, and we know what ESP activity to look for, it’s time to start training your third eye, aura, and mind to be open to psychic energies. It’s time to start developing your gifts.

Step 1: Regularly Cleanse your Aura

Much like with the 25 browser tabs you may have open right now, too much stray energy will split your energetic focus. Every time we come in contact with a person, place, or thing, we make an energetic connection. This connection allows us to pick up psychic energy.

If we are connected to too many things, we can find ourselves receiving hundreds of messages at once. You can’t hear the message of one person if you’re in a room of 50 people shouting at once!

So, cleansing your aura helps you filter out excess energies so you can clearly pick up on what’s headed your way.

Here’s our favorite cord cutting aura cleanse ritual.

Step 2: Regularly Meditate or Practice Mindfulness

Meditation does not mean clearing your mind or sitting still for a full hour. Who has time for that? For this step, we mean setting at least 1 minute aside to focus on a single point in time.

  • In the shower, you could focus on how warm the water feels the instant that it hits your skin.
  • At work, you could close your eyes and visualize the details of what’s in your lunchbox.
  • Before bed, you could focus specifically on counting down from 60 and seeing the numbers in your mind’s eye.

Meditation can be as short or as long as you’d like. If the idea of meditation freaks you out, check out Mindfulness!

Step 3: Start with Small Psychic Feats

We would all love to pull a Pheobe (from Charmed), touch an object, and be instantly transported to an event in the past or future! However, small psychic events are just as exciting as the big ones!

Check out that list above and start looking for those happenings in your everyday life! Over time, and after you give yourself positive reinforcement, your body will aim for bigger, better experiences like remote viewing.

Step 4: Congratulate Yourself — Positive Reinforcement

This is the most important step. Just like we crave hugs and kisses as a sign of good standing in a relationship, our bodies crave positive signs that psychic happenings are a good thing!

So, pick a physical reward for yourself and treat yourself immediately after something psychic happens — no matter how small! It’s important that you be consistent, quick, and physical with this reward.

Examples of good positive reinforcement to influence psychic activity:

  1. Pat yourself on the back
  2. Give yourself some chocolate
  3. Tell yourself “Good job!”
  4. Give yourself a high-five
  5. Shout “Yes!” like your favorite team just scored a goal

Anything that you would look forward to will work here.

Step 5: Practice

Pick a psychic ability and practice it! It’s okay if it doesn’t work immediately; chances are, it won’t! The key is knowing that these psychic skills are possible! Trust me, all of the psychic abilities are possible! I’ve done them all! Set aside some time to try willing a page to turn or touching random objects at a flea market!

If the most minute thing happens, don’t write it off as wind. Congratulate yourself! YOU did that!

You are psychic.

Copyright 2019 Plentiful Earth, LLC. / All Rights Reserved.

Meditation Wicca for Beginners

How to Connect to the Goddesses and Gods

You’ve been on the Witchcraft path for a little while now, and people are starting to ask you things like, “Have you found your patron Goddess?” or “Have you talked to your patron God yet?” Those deity names sound so important that it makes the idea of speaking to them seem overwhelming. The good news? It’s actually very easy to connect and communicate with the Goddess and God! I’ll show you how I do it!

Connecting with a patron deity is one of the best things you’ll experience in your magickal practice. They’ll help guide you in your craft, unlock hidden knowledge, or might show you past lives. However, not everyone is sure about how to connect with them.

This is okay! We are all in different stages within our craft, so don’t feel bad if you’ve spent years on your path and haven’t been able to make a connection yet. There’s over five thousand deity’s that are worshiped today. That’s a crazy number if you think about it. So connecting with one or two of them is a really unique and special experience all in itself.

Skills Needed to connect to your Patron Deity

Step 1: Pick a Deity

Easy! Select who you’d like to connect with!

Often times, you will have seen signs of who to connect to, or you might be called to the name of a deity! If so, choose it and move to step 2!

If you’re not sure of what deity is calling to you that’s ok. Just use lose terms like “Lord” or “Lady”, instead of the deity’s name, until you are certain of their name. It may come to you in time. Don’t worry; they won’t get offended, and this will work just the same! Now, move to step 2!

The goal of Step 1

The goal is to get yourself ready to communicate and let your deity to know that you’re ready to listen. Step 1 will allow you to start hearing the deity’s voice, so this is a very important and necessary step.

Step 2: Find a Quiet Space

Find a space in which you won’t be interrupted for 20-30 minutes. If you know your Deity’s correspondences, try to find or decorate a space that contains some of those items.

Once you’ve made the decision on which deity you want to connect to, you’re ready to start hearing your deity. At this point, they’re already starting to communicate to you. Sometimes, the messages can be hard to hear so you will need a quiet room.

The goal of Step 2

The goal is to remove extra noise in order to hear the subtle sounds of your God or Goddess.

Step 3: Get Comfortable + Cast your Circle

Next, you’ll need to get into a comfortable position. I usually sit on the floor or in a chair. Cast a circle of protection around you; this sacred space will act as a beacon to your Deity.

The goal of Step 3

The goal is to take the extra stress off of your mind and body so that all of your senses are focused on hearing your Goddess or God. Putting your spark of energy and magick out into the Universe helps Deity see your call.

Step 4: Call Out + Connect

Now close your eyes, and focus on the darkness or the backs of your eyelids. Now, call out to your deity. When you hear or see anything that seems to be random, you’ve connected. Remember to respect and acknowledge them when you think you’ve noticed them. Remember, nothing is a coincidence.

  1. Call out to them a few times in your mind, and then begin to talk to them out loud.
  2. Tell them directly that “You wish to connect with them”.
  3. Tell them what your intentions are.
  4. Tell them your desires about the craft, and how you wish to grow within the craft and with them.
  5. Tell them what is in your heart.

Practice daily until you can start to hear your deity talking to you clearly OR related shapes or visions appear in your mind’s eye.

Initially, your Deity might sound like someone is calling to you from a distant room in your house. Practice this until you hear or see them clearly.

Yes, it’s okay if the voice sounds like it’s inside of your head.

The goal of Step 4

The goal is to begin to make the initial connection and help your body get used to this extra sense. It’s okay if it takes a few rounds of practice. It’s also okay if you can only see answers instead of hearing them; we all interpret these etherial messages differently.

Step 5: See Your Deity

Once you can hear or understand your Deity clearly, it’s time to ask your Deity show themselves to you. As a fair warning, this step might be the longest to accomplish, but don’t give up! They will show themselves to you when it is time!

When you finally connect yourself to your deity there won’t be any doubt in your mind if you did or not. So keep trying to connect with your deity in till it happens. Once you do you’ll be amazed and wonder why you haven’t done this sooner.

Now that you’ve made a connection with your deity you’ll need to nurture your relationship with them. Don’t demand things when you don’t get your way. Always show respect for them and what they do. Feel free to ask questions about anything you want to know.

You should also leave some type of offering for them every few months. Just a little food and drink are good. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Just have the food correlate with what season it is.

Treat this connection as a special gift. It’s yours to cherish.

Copyright 2019 Wicca BluMoon + Plentiful Earth, LLC. / All Rights Reserved.

Astral Projection Real Stories

My First Time To The Astral Plane: A Real Experience

Everybody has a first time for everything. My first time to the Astral Plane takes place during my initial year and a day training, but in order for you to get the full spectrum of what this story entails, we will have to go back a lot further than my training. Don’t worry; it will be well worth it.

Remember, not everyone’s experience is like mine. I like to tell my story because not every trip to the astral plane is pretty. You may never experience this, but it’s always best to be prepared. Just like with an Ouija board, trans-plane travel can unlock a mess if you’re not smart or careful.

Ever since I was four years old, I would have realistic dreams of places. Nobody would be in these places, so I would explore inside the houses. Sometimes I would be crawling with caution (I wouldn’t know why in till later in my life), or be just walking around as if I knew where I was going. These experiences would turn out to be the only dreams I would remember from my childhood.

Here comes the odd part. Have you ever had Deja Vu?

Every dream and every experience I had in those dreams I would come to experience as the years go by. It always happens this way — I suddenly have the “deja vu” feeling, and it hits me like a hard slam; bang, I’m in my dream again. In shock, I watch this exact same scene as I did all those years ago.

What’s happening? Well, this is one small experience that happened to me in the Astral Plane. But that’s in due time.

My next massive experience happened in my training period, in which, I was learning about some of my past lives. During these sessions, with the Goddess’ help, I learned about my past children, my past loves, who I was, and what I did. In some of these lives, I wasn’t a very kind person. This made sense because in some of these past lives, I dealt with many dark individuals, entities, and spirits. What was interesting is that even though I didn’t remember these entities, some still remembered me well.

Let me pause here; I know all this sounds pretty strange, especially if you don’t believe in reincarnation and souls being intertwined; for you, it might sound worse than strange.

Let’s enter the journey of visiting the Astral Plane with an open mind.

My First Time Going to the Astral Plane

My first time to visit the Astral Plane wasn’t planned. It was totally by accident. However, it will be something that I will never forget.

It happened while I was in my first year and a day of training. I was meditating in my bedroom while my girlfriend was taking a nap. I was trying to focus on calling the Goddess to me again.

Suddenly, my body felt lighter, and a sudden flash of light hit me. Next, I was flying through a huge tunnel with hundreds of colors flashing by me. I remember twisting and turning as I followed the tunnel’s path. Finally, it took me a minute or two get my bearings; it felt like I’ve been flying for a long time.

At this moment, the tunnel opened up, and I was in the Astral Plane.

The sky was a blueish, purple, and orange mix intertwined with clouds, thick and soft to the touch. I realized that I was still flying, but I couldn’t see land in any direction. Straight ahead of me, I could make out something that was blurry and dark at first. Soon, storm clouds were closing in on me. I realized that this was my moment of clarity.

The closer I got to it, the clearer I could see it. What I saw was a two-story, broken-down, white Victorian house. It’s siding was broken and hanging in places, and each piece was covered in black. Under this house, there was no ground; it was just floating in the clouds. I felt that something was very off about this house. I felt uneasy, and yet, it looked familiar.

I couldn’t stop myself from heading to this house.

When landed on the front porch, a feeling of dread quivered down my spine. I knew I shouldn’t be here, yet I felt like I was here for a reason. I decided to be as quiet as I could as I tried to figure out why I was here. I took a deep breath and grabbed the handle of the front door. I slowly turned the handle and opened the door just a bit.

A shadow suddenly walked past the door. My heart dropped to my feet. After a few moments of waiting for the shadow to leave, I quickly went in and made a left. I found a staircase. Crouching down, trying my best to stay quiet, I went up the stairs to the upper hall.

Suddenly, I had a flashback about this exact moment in my dream as a kid. Cue deja vu.

The main house was an open floorplan, so I was able to look down to the main floor. There, I could see a fire burning in the center of the room. The atmosphere was dark and took me a minute to locate everyone in the room. Once I could see, I noticed that there were four people talking, three men and a woman. They were wearing all black. The men wore black pants, black torn shirts, had long hair, and wore long black coats. The woman had on a short black skirt, a black top, a few medal necklaces, and a black coat. Their eyes were completely white. Yes. WHITE. No pupils. Just all white.

One of the men was very angry. He was pacing the floor yelling at the other two guys while the woman was trying to calm him down. I noted him as the leader of the group. He was mad because someone had gotten away. He was saying “How the hell could you let him escape? Do you know what he is capable of?”

The other two men were trying to not make it sound as bad, but he wasn’t having it. He dismissed them by yelling “Get out of my sight!” Both of them disappeared.

It was then that I felt I needed to get out of there as soon as I could. I turned around, bundled up, closed my eyes, and thought about returning to my body.

Returning From The Astral Plane

In a flash, I was back in my body. I was absolutely positive that wasn’t just a dream. Everything felt too real. I realized that I needed to lie down and think about what I just experienced. I had to admit that it was a bit too much for my senses, so I closed my eyes to rest.

When I woke up, my girlfriend was looking at me smiling in an off way.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked.

She replied in an off, but familiar, voice “Just watching you sleep. It has always fascinated me how you humans sleep.”

I was startled. What an odd thing to say. Then, it hit me; this was the voice of the woman from the Astral Plane house.

“What have you done with her? What do you want?” I replied.

“Don’t worry, she’s in here. Just not in control at the moment. And I just want to have some fun with you before I have to take you back with me. Why don’t you come here?”

“No, I don’t understand why you want me, but you’re not welcome here. So, leave or I’m going to have to make you leave.”

She responded in a sad, mocking voice “Ah, Come on. Are you going to get Mama Moon to take care of me? Because you’re nowhere near as powerful as before. I don’t think you got what it takes to get rid of me.”

For the next thirty minutes, I tried, unsuccessfully, to get the entity to leave my girlfriends body. I was at my wit’s end. I was mad and upset that I couldn’t do anything to help her or myself.

It was then that I heard The Goddess’ voice telling me to stand up and fight. I suddenly remembered that I had holy water. I grabbed the blessed water, opened it, and proceeded to sprinkle it on to my girlfriend. I prayed fervently out loud for the Goddess’ light to come and send this evil back.

My girlfriend’s inhabitant began screaming, yelling profanities, trying to overpower me, and trying to hurt me. Luckily, the holy water worked in preventing all harm. After what seemed like forever, this was over.

I learned that the astral plane is not a toy. I knew I had to grow and get much better if I to protect myself and loved ones.

Lessons Learned about Astral Travel

After this, there were many more encounters entities who wanted to harm me or someone else. Over the years, I’ve faced off with shadow people, spirits, elementals, angels, and demonic forces.

While everyone’s journey to the Astral Plane and their past lives is different, there are some things you can do to protect yourself and others.

How to Protect Yourself when you Astral Project

  1. If you are going to open doorways into the astral or spiritual plane, be sure you close the doors when you’re done, and lock them if you can. This will prevent spirits or entities to come through.
  2. Learn some protection spells. These will help keep away spells cast against you and entities you don’t want to mess with.
  3. Get a blessed amulet. This will help as the last defense.
  4. Get or make Holy water.
  5. Learn as much as you can in your craft. This goes without saying. But knowledge is power. Especially when it has to deal with your craft.

Copyright 2019 Wicca BluMoon + Plentiful Earth, LLC. / All Rights Reserved.

Psychic Abilities Meditation

The Easiest Way to Open Your Third Eye

We’re always on the hunt for more information, especially when we’re spiritually guided. After a while, we begin to feel that we’ve learned everything there is to learn on the physical realm. Enter the knowledge of the unknown. This reminds me of myself. In fact, I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t looking for more knowledge on a Spiritual aspect. It seems as the years go by, there are more and more people searching for that same thing. Mainstream media has now caught onto this need for knowledge beyond the visible. We continue to get more shows such as “Paranormal State” and “Ghost Adventurers.” What if I told you that there is one tool that perhaps unlocks that knowledge and helps further our psyches? What if you could access other aspects of your life? Guess what. You may have heard of this amazing tool that will help you learn more than you ever believed you could.
This tool is the 3rd Eye.

What is the Third Eye?

What do you think of when you hear this term? You may think that the third eye is a literal eye in the middle of your forehead; as we can see with our normal two eyes, it is not quite that literal. There is a deeper meaning to the 3rd eye. The 3rd eye is, in fact, a doorway into unlocking unknown knowledge, special gifts, and knowledge about spirits. When you open that door it will lead to a whole new level of possibilities. If you tend to feel what will happen before it happens or if you’re sensitive to spirits then the next step for you is opening your third eye.

Effects of Opening the Third Eye

Once you will open your third eye, you’ll open an avenue of new information. You’ll start to:
  • Truly know things before they happen
  • Sense peoples’ feelings
  • Experience more interactions with Spirits
  • See spirits them more clearly
  • Get a clearer way to communicate with energies, spirits, and deities
  • Understand a higher consciousness
  • Increased psychic abilities

How to Open Your Third Eye

This two-step meditation practice is the easiest way to open your third eye.

Third Eye Meditation Phase 1

Tools needed: None. Time required: Enough time to meditate.
  1. Enter your meditative state.
  2. Visualize yourself opening and closing an eye on your forehead.
  3. Repeat weekly or until you start to feel new sensations.
  4. Once you start to feel new sensations, move to phase 2.

Third Eye Meditation Phase 2

Tools needed: None. Time required: Enough time to meditate.
  1. Enter your meditative state.
  2. Visualize your third eye opening.
  3. Once your third eye is open, visualize a doorway.
  4. Visualize yourself opening this doorway to the inner depths of your mind. Once you open this door, you’re opening a new world with tons of hidden doors. The best part? Every door holds unlocked knowledge.
  5. Open one door a day and see what you discover.
Everyone has a different skill level. One person might be able to unlock their 3rd eye very quickly. Where, another person might take weeks, or even months to unlock it. Just remember there is no time limit for completing any skill or spell. Everyone is different. The important thing is that you take your time and complete one skill at a time.

What to Expect After Opening your Third Eye

Once you start to practice opening your third eye, you’ll immediately begin to notice a shift in the way you perceive the physical world. Not only will you be picking up normal sensations, but you’ll also begin to pick up psychic information. Don’t worry this isn’t very painful, Just overwhelming. You may experience flashes of pictures, sensations, feelings of Spirits. This is normal and it will pass. I think it would be best to have a loved one around after you do the exercises a few times. Welcome to your true life. Copyright 2018 Wicca BluMoon + Plentiful Earth / All Rights Reserved
Daily Practice Wicca for Beginners

How to know you’re a Witch: Understanding Your Calling

When I was just 14 years old, I started to experience what is called, in some Wiccan circles,  “The Calling”. I didn’t really understand what this was, or what it was that I was experiencing. All understood was that I knew I had to find out what was going on with me. However, I didn’t know how or what I could do to figure this out. The good news? This “calling” was not painful like we might see on TV, but it was very repetitive; it just kept calling to me. I had to figure this out.

Every path to the craft is different, so I want to share my story of discovering my personal Wiccan with you.

The Year Before I Became Wiccan

It hadn’t been a year ago, back in 1993 when I had renounced my Christianity, when I started experiencing things. I’d even say that what I was experiencing was anything but normal. I had begun to hear voices calling to me.

The Calling

The voices weren’t what we think of when we learn about hysterics. Instead, it was one voice with one, pure purpose. To be specific, it was a female’s voice saying, “Come to me!” The voice didn’t seem to be in my head, but it seemed to be off in the distance. And it didn’t seem to come from any direction. Nor did it matter where I was or what I was doing; it just kept calling to me. I even heard it in my sleep. By this time it’s been 2 months since this whole thing started. Needless to say, I was starting to question my sanity.

The Search for Answers

The year is 1994, and the internet wasn’t what it’s like today. In the 90s, there were some categorized, organized bits of information about normal topics, but nothing existed on the web about Wicca, Witchcraft, or Paganism. So, after some thought, I started visiting any and every bookstore that I could find.

Bypass Spiritual and Religious Barriers to Find your Path

To top it off, I couldn’t explain it at the time, but in addition to the Woman’s voice, I had this urge/feeling to check out different religions. I read about Buddhism, Judaism, Shinto, and a few worldly religious. After searching in about 5 different bookstores, I finally came across a book about Wicca. That book was called “Teen Witch.”

“Teen Witch” was my Gateway Book

When I read this book, it was like I found a missing part of me, or a long lost friend and colleague. As I read through this book, I learned many techniques, including my favorite — meditation, and it was through this specific skill that I was introduced to the Goddess.

I immediately knew it was her voice that was calling to me.

The Voice of the Goddess that is Always with Me

To this day, I continue hearing and talking to the Goddess. Over time, she would show me many things about myself that no one else could possibly know. She would reveal to me my past lives and even unlock some of my past lives’ memories. I knew, in these moments, that this was my calling and I was meant to walk this path. I never had any doubt that the Goddess wasn’t who she said she was.

Finding your Spiritual Path, Today

Today, many people have a harder time finding their path than I did. There is so much information about Wicca that it can get very confusing on where to start; not everyone has a clear starting point as I did. So if you’re one of these individuals, I hope my story will help you understand the calling and give you some guidance in order to find it. I hope I’ve helped you understand what is going on.

How to Find Your Spiritual Path

The important thing is to trust your instincts.

  • What are they telling you?
  • Where should you go to find what you need?
  • Are you hearing a voice like I was?
  • Are you feeling an urge to do something or find something?

This is what it means to have “The Calling.” It’s calling to you, and it is up to you to find what and where it is. You may not understand it at first. Keep at it.

Wicca was the path for me. This was my calling, but it might not be yours.

Research. If it isn’t the path for you, consider doing what I did: read up on different religions and beliefs.

This is a great way to see how and why other religions think the way they do. Once you understand the core of each religion, you will find something that speaks to you. You will know right away if you found it.

Meditate. Next, try meditation. Learn how to meditate, and call out in your mind to what has been calling you. You may feel that meditation doesn’t work for you, but remember: there are different depths to meditating. Try many different styles of meditation to see what works with your mindset.

Talk aloud. Another thing you should try is just talking aloud; this is greatly underestimated. If you’re not in a location that is safe to say things out loud, say them in your head. Trust me if it is a deity trying to make a connection with you. They will be able to hear your thoughts.

Remember, finding your path may not be instantaneous, and it does take time and effort. However, doing these things is a sure-fire start to finding your way on the correct path.

When you begin this journey, you’ll start to know yourself and be true to yourself as well. You will know what your calling is.

Copyright 2018 Wicca Blumoon + Plentiful Earth / All Rights Reserved.

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