Bread Recipes Desserts Recipes

Moist & Easy Banana Nut Bread Recipe For Good Health, Protection & Growth

If you thought you loved banana nut bread, wait until you try this super easy, mega moist banana nut bread recipe!

It’s basically cake.

Who doesn’t like cake? This banana bread recipe is loaded up with creamy butter, sweet sugar, and overripe bananas, creating the perfect bite of banana nut bread.

Allergic to nuts? Don’t worry: you can replace the nuts with your favorite seeds instead!

Wondering why this recipe includes words such as “good health,” “protection,” and “growth?”

We believe that every ingredient has a specific energy that adds a sparkle of magic to your cooking. This bread recipe’s ingredients happen to correspond to health, protection, and growth!

But what does that mean?

Cooking With Intention: Kitchen Witchcraft

We invite you to cook with intention and create positive change in your life.

Think of it as affirmations and mindfulness when you cook.

As you make this bread recipe, read each ingredient’s energetic properties.

When you add each ingredient, visualize your life being filled with those energies.

By adding intention to your cooking, you invite positive change into your life!

Sound cheesy? Give it a try – it can’t hurt!

Is Homemade Banana Bread Better Than Store-Bought Mix?

Absolutely! Homemade banana bread is filled with fresh ingredients that contain more vitamins and stronger energetic vibes than dehydrated mixes.

Also, when you cook at home, you have the ability to set an intention, such as good health, into your cooking!

What Makes This Recipe The Best Banana Bread Recipe?

This bread recipe is more like a cake. You’re welcome!


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Lammas Bread Recipe: White Sandwich Bread for Bread Machine

It’s Lammas Loaf time! Witches, you know what we’re talking about! Warm, soft, fresh from the oven, and filled with the magical harvests of Lammas or Lughnasadh! 

Homemade bread is one of the best ways to celebrate the turning of the wheel! Now, with modern technology, we can make this delicious Lammas recipe in under 2 hours! No more slaving over a warm hearth here!

And if you’re wondering, is it still Witchcraft if we don’t make the Lammas bread by hand? Of course it is! As you’re adding your ingredients to your bread maker, visualize your intent and charge the ingredients! Each time you pass the bread maker or smell the bread baking, visualize your goal happening right before your eyes!

Much like with anything in modern times, intention is everything, and adaptability is key! Just check out The Modern Witches’ Toolkit! 

It’s so good, we promise you’ll literally ask yourself, “What is this Witchcraft?”

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