It’s Lammas Loaf time! Witches, you know what we’re talking about! Warm, soft, fresh from the oven, and filled with the magical harvests of Lammas or Lughnasadh!
Homemade bread is one of the best ways to celebrate the turning of the wheel! Now, with modern technology, we can make this delicious Lammas recipe in under 2 hours! No more slaving over a warm hearth here!
And if you’re wondering, is it still Witchcraft if we don’t make the Lammas bread by hand? Of course it is! As you’re adding your ingredients to your bread maker, visualize your intent and charge the ingredients! Each time you pass the bread maker or smell the bread baking, visualize your goal happening right before your eyes!
Much like with anything in modern times, intention is everything, and adaptability is key! Just check out The Modern Witches’ Toolkit!
It’s so good, we promise you’ll literally ask yourself, “What is this Witchcraft?”

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