Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings Tarot

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess is a powerful card in tarot.

It represents wisdom, mystery, spirituality, sexuality, and higher power. It signifies that it is a good time to connect with your intuition and your inner voice.

However, what it can mean for you when this card is shown changes depending on its placement.

To gain insight into the High Priestess, let’s dive into it.

Overall Meaning Of The High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess is the virgin daughter of the Moon. She illuminates our streams of consciousness with borrowed light.

At large, she stands for female wisdom and represents the entirety of humankind’s instincts and emotions. If you draw this from a tarot deck, there are a variety of things it can symbolize.

Symbolism Of The High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess is the second trump of the Major Arcana.

It is similar in appearance to the Hierophant and Justice cards in that it shows a seated person in front of a veil and is sided by two pillars.

It is equally rich in symbolic themes:

1. Water

The card is sky blue, which refers to the element water.

This is also reflected in the drapes of the woman’s gown which cascade off the edge like a waterfall while overflowing the waning crescent at her feet.

The cross on her chest symbolizes the four elements earth, water, fire, and air.

In the psychic realm, this refers to consciousness beyond duality.

The High Priestess is the primary receptive of what in Hinduism is called Life-Power or Prakriti.

It is the first matter or prima materia of alchemy.

2. The Moon

As the Moon causes the Earth’s bodies of water to fluctuate, the High Priestess stands for passivity and reactive forces.

One crescent sits on the floor; the other is broken in two to create her diadem.

This type of headgear can be traced back to the Egyptian goddesses Hathor and Astarte.

Given that the Moon was seen as the “ship in the sky” by some ancient cultures, the High Priestess also represents travel and transportation.

In the psychic realm, this relates to subconscious telepathic communication.

3. Fertility

If the querent of the tarot reading is male, the High Priestess signifies his ideal woman.

Her presence on the spread is great news for a person’s love life!

This is further depicted by the palms and pomegranates on the drapery.

The pomegranate also betokens the indissolubility of marriage.

In Greek mythology, Persephone ate one and as a result, was irreversibly tied to Hades. In Persian mythology, it stands for invincibility in battle.

In Judaism, where the tarot system stems from, it means abundance and fertility.

The orb on her crown is a womb, signaling motherhood and childbirth.

This ties back to the Moon since according to a study on lunar cycles, Moon phases seem to influence the gender of babies.

So it’s a good idea to check that Full Moon calendar in case you have any plans.

4. Balance

The High Priestess is sandwiched between two pillars, one black and one white.

The B and J stand for Boaz and Jachin. Together with the veil decor, they belong to the Temple of Solomon, the first temple in Jerusalem.

Their lotus-collared, chalice-shaped chapiters refer to the goblet’s abundance or the Suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana.

Sitting between darkness and light, peace and strife, initiative and resistance, affirmation and negation, the High Priestess acts as the uniting intelligence who strikes a balance between extremes.

If this is your card, it’s likely that you need to work on keeping the mind centered on the spirit instead of day-to-day emotions.

Non-traditional meditation is a valuable tool to help you focus.

Reversed Meaning Of The High Priestess

When she appears turned upside down, the High Priestess draws attention to her hidden knowledge.

This is represented by the Torah scroll she conceals underneath her robe. Incidentally, it is an anagram of the Latin “rota,” which is the word for Wheel of Life and is thought to be the precursor of the word “tarot.”

She is also a master of figuring people out and detecting dicey circumstances.

When drawing the reversed High Priestess, you are to be observant not to fall victim to hidden agendas and dishonest contracts.

It can also mean the presence of a duplicitous woman in your life.

There can be passions at play, conceit, moral or physical ardor, and surface knowledge.

Remember to trust your own intuition when life tips out of balance.

On the emotional plane, you are bound to be subject to hormonal and emotional imbalances. Focus less on others’ opinions and approval and more on your own inner wisdom.

For diviners who experience strong negative emotions during the consultation, it is wise to cleanse your tarot deck for the next reading.

Final Note

The High Priestess is a complex card to interpret.

Deciding how its many possible meanings weave into the custom tapestry of your life can be difficult. It is recommended to meditate on it to find the threads and meanings that work for you.

But not while abandoning the original intent as per the rules of the tarot deck you are working with.

Tarot Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

The Fool: Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Upright Keywords: New Beginnings | Innocence | Freedom | Adventure | Unpredictability

Reversed Keywords: Recklessness | Stagnation | Irresponsibility | Fear | Disconnection

The Fool is perhaps one of the most intriguing and multifaceted cards in the tarot deck. It holds a myriad of meanings and has the power to spark profound insight when drawn during a reading. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to The Fool, shedding light on its upright and reversed meanings, its significance, and how it can be used to manifest desired outcomes.

Upright Meanings

  1. Beginning: A fresh start or a new journey.
  2. Innocence: Naiveté and purity of intention.
  3. Freedom: Liberation from constraints or limitations.
  4. Adventure: A daring exploration or risk-taking.
  5. Unpredictability: Spontaneity and unexpected happenings.

Reversed Meanings

  1. Recklessness: Thoughtless or impulsive actions.
  2. Stagnation: Lack of movement or growth.
  3. Irresponsibility: Negligence and unwise choices.
  4. Fear: A hesitancy or refusal to take necessary risks.
  5. Disconnection: Loss of faith or lack of direction.

The Fool Tarot Card Description

The Fool is the card numbered 0 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck.

It symbolizes the beginning of a journey and the potential for growth and exploration. It’s an archetype that embodies the essence of pure potential, openness, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.


The imagery of The Fool features a young traveler standing at the edge of a cliff, gazing into the unknown with a small dog at his heels. In his hand, he holds a staff bearing a small sack, symbolizing his few belongings and the simplicity of his journey.

Key Symbols

  • The Cliff: Represents the unknown, a leap of faith.
  • The Dog: Loyalty and protection, often seen as a guide.
  • The Flower: Symbol of purity and innocence.
  • The Sun: Divine guidance and enlightenment.

The Fool Upright Meaning

In an upright position, The Fool denotes a new beginning and an adventurous spirit.

It suggests a willingness to take risks and step into the unknown, guided by faith and intuition. The Fool can also represent a period of freedom and liberation from past constraints.

The Fool Reversed Meaning

When reversed, The Fool signifies a need for caution.

It could mean a time of recklessness, where actions are taken without proper thought or understanding. Fear and doubt might be hindering progress, and the reversed Fool advises against taking unnecessary risks.

The reversed Fool asks for self-reflection, a deeper understanding of one’s fears, and the wisdom to proceed with caution. It may also signify stagnation, where the energy of new beginnings is blocked or hindered. It’s a call to reevaluate one’s path and make wiser choices.

How To Use The Fool To Manifest

The Fool’s energy can be harnessed for manifestation, particularly when seeking to embark on a new journey or break free from limiting patterns.

  1. Visualize the Energy: Meditate with The Fool, visualizing its pure potential and willingness to take risks.
  2. Set Clear Intentions: Define what new beginning or freedom you desire.
  3. Embrace the Journey: Like The Fool, embrace the unknown, trusting that the path will unfold as needed.
  4. Act with Wisdom: Utilize both the upright and reversed energies of The Fool to approach your goals with both enthusiasm and caution.

The Fool is not merely a symbol of naiveté or folly; it is a profound card symbolizing the entire spectrum of human potential. By understanding and embracing both its upright and reversed meanings, spiritual psychic readers can offer deeper insights and guide others (or themselves) towards a path of growth, adventure, and self-discovery. Its energy can be a powerful tool for manifestation when approached with clear intention and mindful consideration.

Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings Tarot Wicca for Beginners

3 Tarot Card Activities for Beginners

Whether you are searching for guidance or you want to deepen a relationship with your inner-self, tarot cards can pave the way for clarity and understanding. Are you striving to overcome challenges and motivate self-growth? If so, this beginner’s guide and printable activities from Redbubble will help you to learn the strings of the cards so you can embark on a journey of self-understanding.

What is the Major Arcana?

These 22 cards represent life themes that are central to your identity. Major Arcana cards have karmic influences and archetypal matters that guide your soul’s exploration to enlightenment. A few of the most common major arcana cards and their meanings include:

  • The Fool: beginnings
    • The Fool has a number of 0 and can be positioned at the beginning or end of the Major Arcana. 
  • The Magician: resourcefulness, action
    • The Magician is numbered 1 and this card represents skillful resourcefulness and power. 
  • The High Priestess: intuition
    • The High Priestess represents a connection with the inner world. She is sometimes seen as a partner to the Magician and is a master of one’s subconscious thoughts. 

To learn more about all the Major Arcana cards and their meanings, download this tarot card guide for future readings.

3 Tarot Card Activities for Beginners 7

Court Cards and Personas

Known as the “personality” cards, the 16 court cards allow you to choose which cards you identify with most. Although they don’t have to always correspond with a person’s entire identity, they can express one’s emotions at a given state in life. Here are just several of the court cards:

  • Kings:
    • leadership, self-control, and discipline over one’s inner self
  • Queens:
    • maturity, compassion, and kindness to others and to one’s self
  • Knights:
    • action, movement, and effective routines in everyday life

Because tarot cards are all about self-reflection, print out this fun court card exercise to analyze the personalities of individuals in your life! 

3 Tarot Card Activities for Beginners 8

Reading tarot cards

Interpreting tarot cards may seem tricky, but there isn’t really a “wrong” way to read them. Trying out different spreads and recording interpretations can gradually help you improve and get the hang of complicated card combinations. 

A 3-card spread is a great place to begin reading the cards. Draw 3 cards and lay them out in front of you. Interpreting the cards is all about intuition, but here is a guide to help you get started:

  • Card 1:
    • Symbolizes the past and analyze reflections
  • Card 2:
    • Represents the present, current challenges, and opportunities
  • Card 3:
    • Relates to the future and what may be coming

To help you practice and understand your deck, print out this three-card spread reflection sheet to impress all of your friends and learn more about what comes next! 

3 Tarot Card Activities for Beginners 9

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