Spells & Rituals Anxiety Spells

A Tea Spell to Ease Anxiety

This is a little spell to relieve anxiety I have used for many years when life was too tough to handle at times. This requires a tea be made, a quiet place to sit, and sip for just a few minutes. The little chant is a take on a knot spell but I liked it and it as done me well over the years. I suggest writing a chant that is meaningful to you. Here is how I completed my spell to help deal with my anxiety at time.

I first made a tea, then said my chant, and drink the tea. I have said this spell at work while mixing my tea saying my chant under my breath. It had some interesting results when others who happen to walk in during my tea break and start talking about their recent hurts. It happened enough that I can’t say it is a coincidence. Mind you nothing was said to the person about my spell.  I only made my intentions privately known and at the time worked in a public setting that would frown upon magic, spells, or anything other than completing one’s work.

This is a tea enchantment spell. You can make this tea ahead of time if you know it is going to be a particularly angst filled week. The magic comes in when you take a spoon filled with honey or other sweetener and stir your tea to activate it with intention.

A Tea Spell to Ease Anxiety

Anxiety Spell Ingredients

Make a transmutation elixir (a.k.a. Calming tea) using:

  1. Brew: Simmer and steep the herbs in a pot for 20 minutes, strain herbs, and pour 8 ounces of tea into a teacup.
  2. Enchant: Stir in your honey using a clockwise motion. This sweetens your intent. Visualize things in your life becoming sweeter.
  3. Say:
    Hawthorn, oat, lavender, nettled
    Transform this hurt
    To wholesome fettle

    By the swirl of one
    This spell is done.

    By the swirl of two
    This hurt bids adieu

    By the swirl of three
    With transmute complete

    No harm to thee
    Not harm to me

    With love and light
    So mote it be.
  4. Drink the tea.

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