Full Moon Spells Full Moon Moon Phases Spells & Rituals

Full Moon Sacred Gifts Chant

There are two wonderful things that you can do to enrich your life during the full moon! One of them is to stop everything that you’re doing. Be entirely grateful for everything you have and have received up until this point. Be proud of the person you are and be thankful for the people, places, and things around you. You can view the Full Moon as a point of pause and relaxation.
The other thing you can do during a Full Moon, or Esbat, is to empower yourself! The full moon is fully illuminated and fully empowered by the reflection of the sun, and you can be fully illuminated and empowered by the reflection of the Moon! This Full Moon Sacred Gifts Chant is crafted to empower you and fill your life with happiness, good health, strength, guidance, and unconditional love.
This is a full moon happiness chant, a full moon health spell, a full moon strength chant, a full moon guidance chant, and a full moon love chant all in one!
Simply look at the moon and repeat this poem until you feel full of joy, courage, clarity, and love!

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Full Moon Sacred Gifts Chant

Full Moon Bright and Full Moon Round
From the Sky to the here on the Ground I
call into me sacred gifts from above
Happiness, health, strength, guidance, and love.

Please feel free to replace the sacred gifts with items and energies that you need in your life! Speak from the heart!
Copyright 2016 Jennifer “Aurora Moone” McDonald / All rights reserved.

By Aurora Moone

Aurora Moone is a beautiful, kind-spirited, loving, motivating, and exciting Witch of 21 years. Having traveled all over the United States, Aurora has close friends of every religious background and spiritual path.

She believes, whole-heartedly, in the power of coexistence through love, respect, and growth. She feels that we have responsibilities that involve everyone, no matter what path they walk.

“No matter what group you commit to, no matter what spirituality you align with, no matter what religion you follow, no matter what political party you fall under, and no matter what your gender or race is, we are all citizens of Earth, and we all have a responsibility.” – Aurora Moone

During her time in Hattiesburg, MS, Aurora founded Coexist at Southern Miss and Southern Miss Spell Casters. She specializes in mindfulness, Usui Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Wicca, meditation, extra-sensory perception, instant magic, and tarot analysis and reading. She is a 4th rank Temple Tradition Priestess.

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