Were you born between February 19 – March 20? If so, you’re a Pisces! What this means is that when you were born, the Sun was positioned in the constellation of Pisces; your Sun Sign is Pisces! The energy of this connected double fish star sign resonates with the emotional and receptive element of Water, meaning that you exemplify the loving, empathic, intuitive, and open-hearted traits of Pisces, who is connected to everyone.
Unfortunately, this also means that you also vibrate with the energies of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and anger of everyone around you. If this is you, read on and feel enlightened!
Being a Pisces is a beautiful thing! Once you learn to mold yourself and your abilities, you’ll immediately be able to see the blessings of being a Pisces! We have great powers! We have psychic abilities, ESP, and many of “The Clairs”! While that tends to make us unknowingly vulnerable to many energies, emotions, thoughts, and more, when we learn how to take care of ourselves as Pisces, we really start to see our true selves!
Once we learn to practice great spiritual and psychic hygiene, our “burdens” become our gifts! Pisces care about one thing: Helping others. Pisces can only help others after they have helped themselves.

How to Love being a Pisces
- Learn to ground yourself!
- Discover the power of amazing crystals! Aquamarine isn’t our birthstone for nothing! Other stones that are great for us are: rhodonite, black tourmaline, hematite, rose quartz, amber, and Herkimer diamond.
- Practice shielding at least once a day, preferably when you’re around more than 2 people!
- Give yourself retreats! Don’t feel as if you need to be around people all the time.
- Meditate daily, even if it’s just for 1 minute in the shower!
Copyright 2016 Jennifer “Aurora Moone” McDonald / All Rights Reserved.