How to Connect to the Goddesses and Gods

You’ve been on the Witchcraft path for a little while now, and people are starting👉

Magical Properties of Mulberry | Mulberry Materia Magicka

Mulberries closely resemble another favorite backyard berry, the blackberry. The difference? Mulberries grow on trees👉

A Witch’s Guide to a Brazilian Wax

Humans, why do we do the things that we do. Is that the ultimate question?👉

DIY Lavender Sugar Scrub Recipe

If you’ve read my super sexy Witches Guide to a Brazilian Wax, you’re probably here👉

Magical Properties of Selenite | Selenite Materia Magicka

We are all looking for ways to achieve ultimate peace and relaxation. We Witches have👉

The Best Crystals to Use in the Workplace

Something we have all felt at some point is work-related stress. Difficult co-workers, a supervisor’s👉

My First Time To The Astral Plane: A Real Experience

Everybody has a first time for everything. My first time to the Astral Plane takes👉

How to Use a Smudge Stick to Cleanse Your Aura

California White Sage is one of our favorite herbs for removing bad vibes, harmful energies,👉

Where are the Chakras Located?

Our bodies are made up of muscles, bone, blood, energy, and subtle energy. Small pulses👉

Algiz Runestone Home Protection Spell

Getting a new home is a big step in life. A home is meant to👉