Love Potion #13: Iced Hibiscus Cinnamon Tea Potion Magickal Recipe
Love potions just got a modern twist! Whether it’s getting hot in here because of👉
Money Maker: Spiced Mint Iced Tea Potion Recipe
Magickal potions just got a modern twist — Iced Potions! We’ve got a stunning Mint👉
Focus Pocus Iced Lemonade Magickal Potion | A Kitchen Witch Spell Recipe
Magickal potions just got a modern twist — Iced Potions! We’ve got a fabulous Focus👉
31 Everyday Herbs and Spices that You can use in Spells
Beginner Witch? Closeted Witch? Need low-key spell ingredients to fuel your desire to make a👉
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie for Romance and Love | A Kitchen Witch Spell Recipe
Perfect for Valentines’ Day, anniversaries, or date nights, strawberry rhubarb pie is one of our👉
Magickal Correspondences of Rhubarb | A Materia Magicka
Love and protection are the callings of this wonderful herb! Rhubarb is a tall, sturdy,👉
Magickal Correspondences of Strawberry | Strawberry Materia Magicka
Love, romance, good luck, and pregnancy are not only the magickal properties of the luscious👉
10 Crystals to Help You Sleep like a Child
For empaths, people with ADHD, and people who have a strong passion for life, sleep👉
Magickal Correspondences of Clary Sage | Clary Sage Materia Magicka
Sage is one of a Witch’s favorite herbs, how do you know when to use👉
Is it Bay Laurel or Bay Yanny? Quote
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