Lapis Lazuli Meaning, Healing Uses, and Magical Properties
An ancient symbol of royalty, lapis lazuli is a beautiful, deep blue stone that contains👉
Home & Property Protection Spell
One of our favorite ways to protect the home with a spell is by reinforcing👉
Magical Properties of Rosemary | How to Use Rosemary in Spells
Rosemary’s Witchcraft correspondences are pulled from an ancient wealth of spiritual uses. This woody, pine-scented,👉
Magical Correspondences of Star Anise | Star Anise Materia Magicka
How do you use star anise in magic? What herbs can you use in spells👉
Full Moon Names
As long as humans could make spatial observances and correlations, the Full Moons had names.👉
Imbolc – A Wheel of the Year Celebration
You’ve probably heard of Groundhog Day, the traditional holiday in the United States that is👉
How to Cleanse Tarot Cards and Oracle Decks
Tarot cards are the middle point of the past, present, and future energies and us.👉
15 Ways to Use Oregano Essential Oil for its Health Benefits
Oregano essential oil has a massive number of incredible health benefits. Distilled directly from the👉
6 Foods to Balance Your Root Chakra
Your root chakra is the energy point of your body that keeps you feeling safe,👉
Crystals for Beginners: How to Get Started
You’ve recently fallen in love with the healing powers of crystals, and now you’re ready👉