13 Powers Money Jar Spell
Money spells are a great way to get money fast, but the trick is truly👉
How I Incorporated My Spirituality in My Wedding Ceremony
I recently got married on October 5th, 2019, to my best friend and soulmate, and👉
Magical Properties of Mugwort | Materia Magicka
Witches and mugwort go together like Halloween and black cats! Chances are, if you glance👉
Instant Pot Apple Cider Recipe
The first day of Fall is here again, and with it comes the perfect vibe👉
5 Quick Ways to Celebrate Mabon
Busy Witch, like us? Forgot to plan a Mabon ritual? We know how that goes;👉
COVID-19 Guided Meditation for Germaphobe – I Am Clean
Germaphobic tendencies are on the rise, due to the pandemic known as COVID-19. Are you👉
60 Magical, Witchy Baby Boy Names
Looking for a very magical name for your perfect baby boy? We’ve got you covered.👉
Magical Properties of Moonstone | Moonstone Materia Magicka
Many people ask what crystals a Witch should have in his, her, or their sacred👉
How to Make Sage Spray
It’s incredibly easy to make a DIY sage spray! With just 5 ingredients, you can👉
Witch Tip #026: How to ward away illness from your home
⚡ Be sure to share!⚡ Hang eucalyptus on your door hinge as a charm to👉