A fluffy slice of tres leches cake topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with a witchy blend of cinnamon, served on a square white plate with a dessert spoon on the side, ready to be

Tres Leches Cake Recipe for Imbolc

Looking for a creamy, sweet, milk-packed cake for your Imbolc celebration? Our kitchen witchcraft never fails to deliver the most amazing cakes for your cakes and ale. (Don’t believe us? Try our Lemon + Lavender Ostara Cake!

If you’re reading this recipe, it’s likely getting close to Imbolc! (Or you have a massive sweet tooth as Aurora does!) We can’t wait for you to fall in love with this cake, soaked with milk and vanilla!

What is Imbolc?

Imbolc is the first celebration of Spring. It’s a beautiful time when the first plants and flowers begin poking out from the last snow, new baby birds begin to sing, and new mama animals begin giving out milk for their new babies. 

So, in addition to crafting Brigid Crosses, you can invite some kitchen witchery into your home by cooking with milk! Working with milk helps us celebrate the nurturing aspects of this season of renewal.

What if I can’t celebrate Imbolc because no one knows I’m a Witch?

We know how it goes. Sometimes it can be tough to celebrate a Wiccan or Witches’ Sabbat if you’re a closeted, secret Witch! We’ve all been there. The great thing about Witchcraft is that it doesn’t require tools to make change. As long as you have a goal, intention, willpower, and visualization, you can cast a spell and celebrate Pagan holidays!

How? Be being a Kitchen Witch! 

Anytime you cook, familiarize yourself with the magical correspondences and meanings of each ingredient. As you add it to your recipe, visualize how that ingredient helps your goal manifest!

Copyright 2021 Plentiful Earth, LLC. / All Rights Reserved.

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