Vegetarian Pot Pie for Beauty, Grounding, and Protection

How can food be magical? Can you put a spell on food? Absolutely! Magic is👉

Instant Pot Bone Broth Recipe for Grounding, Healing, and Vitality

Nothing says fall and winter like a cozy, warming, perfectly seasoned bowl of soup. Every👉

Mabon: Meanings and a Quick History

Happy Witches’ Thanksgiving! It’s time to turn the Witches’ Wheel of the Year once more,👉

Dill Roasted Carrots for Wealth and Grounding

Looking for Mabon Recipes? Hoping to find a beautiful, grounding, and healthy carrot recipe to👉

Mabon Sabbat Correspondences

Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox or the first day of Autumn, is a👉

Lammas Bread Recipe: White Sandwich Bread for Bread Machine

It’s Lammas Loaf time! Witches, you know what we’re talking about! Warm, soft, fresh from👉

Magical Properties of Tarragon | How to Use Tarragon in Spells

Whether you love to practice Kitchen Magic, traditional Wicca, or you are an Eclectic Witch,👉

Magical Properties of Mango | How to Use in Spells

Nothing screams Midsummer or Mabon like a juicy, perfectly ripe mango on your altar, in👉

What Is The Meaning of Seeing Repeating Numbers?

Numbers have, throughout the past, held a special place amongst cultures, religions, and nations. 7👉

Magickal Properties and Correspondences of Tea and Coffee

In most cultures, it is common to frequently consume warm beverages throughout the day, especially👉