Category Archives: Wiccan Holidays

Mabon Sabbat Correspondences

Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox or the first day of Autumn, is a👉

Beltane Foods to Bring to your Fire Festival

A beautiful, spring sun shines overhead on a beautiful Beltane morning, bringing blessings of warmth,👉

Almond Biscotti Recipe for Beltane

Almonds, an amazing aphrodisiac, are sacred to the warm, festive Wiccan and Pagan holiday of👉

5 Quick Ways to Celebrate Mabon

Busy Witch, like us? Forgot to plan a Mabon ritual? We know how that goes;👉

Samhain Pronunciation: How To Pronounce Samhain Correctly [With Video]

You’re headed to the covenstead or meeting up with your favorite Witches for Samhain Celebrations,👉

Mabon Ritual for Ultimate Balance

Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is a time for coming to terms with👉

Where to shop for the Pagan Holidays

Sometimes, being a modern Pagan calls for a modern approach to celebrating the pagan traditions!👉

Midsummer: The Reawakening of a Witch

For the past few months, progress with my spirituality has felt stagnant due to impending👉

Imbolc – A Wheel of the Year Celebration

You’ve probably heard of Groundhog Day, the traditional holiday in the United States that is👉

Yule Spiritual Bath: Cernunnos Milk Bath Recipe

Purify your aura, remove the harmful energies of the past year, and celebrate the Winter👉