A woman in a green hoodie

111 Positive Affirmations To Make You Happy In Every Situation

Wish you could hack your way to better mental health?

Wish you could say a quick chant and feel better?

You can, with positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations can help get rid of negative thinking and help you plan your future.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are helpful statements that help align your subconscious with what you want in life.

Affirmations are statements that are repeated in order to help your brain evade the “what if” scenarios and skip right to the life changes.

By repeating them daily, you help your future fall in to place, exactly how you want it to.

Positive affirmations are the exact opposite of negative thoughts. In fact, good affirmations help fight off negative thoughts so you have a positive outlook on the past, present, and future.

Don’t believe us? Give affirmations a try! (Also, they’re backed by scientific studies!)

How To Use Affirmations

  1. Find a mirror or a quiet place to sit and relax.
  2. Take 3 deep breaths.
  3. If you have a mirror, gaze into your eyes. No mirror? Gently close your eyes instead.
  4. Repeat your affirmation out loud as if it were a mantra.
  5. Keep doing this until you feel that the statement is true or you feel a positive shift or excited feeling in your body.
  6. Go about your day with confidence!
  7. Repeat daily, plus anytime you need a boost!
An image to share on Pinterest.

12 Anxiety Affirmations

Reduce your anxiety and stress with these positive affirmations.

  1. Stressful moments roll off of my shoulders, like water on a duck.
  2. I will focus only on the things I can change in this moment.
  3. I am not anxious. I only feel anxious right now, and this feeling will pass.
  4. I am not my anxiety. The feelings of anxiety will pass.
  5. I release all fear.
  6. Just for today, I will not worry.
  7. I give myself permission to let go of stress, worry, and anxiety.
  8. I always make it through.
  9. I easily let go of negativity.
  10. My fears do not define me.
  11. When things get tough, I remember to breathe.
  12. I am releasing expectations of being perfect.

6 Daily Affirmations

Shift your mindset throughout the day and help yourself return to a state of calm.

  1. Today is filled to the brim with opportunities.
  2. I approach today with an open mind and a calm aura.
  3. I easily find joy in everything.
  4. Today, I am one with the Universe.
  5. Just for today, I will be grateful.
  6. I am focused and ready for today.

8 Good Health Affirmations

  1. Golden sparkles fill my aura and body with good health.
  2. My DNA knows how to heal itself.
  3. I am getting stronger every day.
  4. I inhale healing. I exhale fear.
  5. I am healing more and more every day.
  6. I welcome good health and recovery with open arms.
  7. I am stronger than they say.
  8. Every cell in my body is divinely blessed and healthy.

8 Happiness Affirmations

  1. I feel my smile in every inch of my body.
  2. In this moment, there is absolute joy.
  3. I decide when I am happy. I am happy right now.
  4. I choose happiness, health, and joy.
  5. I stay away from negative forces in my life.
  6. I easily look inside of myself to find happiness.
  7. I attract what I feel, and right now, I feel happy.
  8. I have a beautiful life filled with blessings.

7 Men’s Health Affirmations

  1. I am feeling sad right now, and that is okay. I am allowed to feel sad.
  2. I am successful in my own, great way.
  3. I am safe to express my emotions and feelings.
  4. It’s okay to try this again another day.
  5. Asking for help helps me get closer to friends and family.
  6. I am good at my job, and I love what I do.
  7. I am filled with good health and strength.

6 Monday Affirmations

  1. I easily do hard things.
  2. I feel rejuvenated and recharged.
  3. I release any hardships from last week, and I welcome the possibilities of this week.
  4. I am ready for a great week.
  5. I am ready to get things done.
  6. I claim my positive Monday mindset.

8 Money Affirmations

  1. Every part of my life is rich and filled with wealth.
  2. Each month, my bank account grows more and more.
  3. I am a powerful money magnet.
  4. Money is my friend.
  5. I was born to be abundant.
  6. Every dollar I spend comes back to me by three.
  7. Money-making opportunities always come my way.
  8. Money flows into my life effortlessly.

7 Morning Affirmations

  1. Today is a really good day!
  2. I give myself permission to slow down and enjoy this cup of coffee.
  3. I am as radiant as the rising sun.
  4. I can feel that today is full of possibilities.
  5. Today’s lessons are the friends that help me grow.
  6. I have everything I need to have a great day.
  7. This delicious coffee is just the beginning of a day

11 Motherhood Affirmations

New mom? Give yourself some self-care with these affirmations for new moms!

  1. I am safe. My baby is safe.
  2. My baby is safe; I have done everything I can do.
  3. My baby and I are happy, healthy, and close.
  4. I am playful and happy.
  5. Taking care of myself makes me the best mom I can be.
  6. I laugh with my babies.
  7. I am a great mom.
  8. My baby and I are learning so many new things; it’s okay to relax.
  9. My confidence as a mother grows day by day.
  10. I am patient and give my body time to recover.
  11. I am a better parent when I take care of myself.

7 Motivation Affirmations

  1. I can make things happen.
  2. I easily do hard things.
  3. I am currently creating the life of my dreams.
  4. I am overflowing with vision, direction, and actionable energy.
  5. I have a millionaire mindset.
  6. I am a success powerhouse.
  7. All I need to do is take the next small step.

10 Self-Love Affirmations

  1. In this moment, I am the best version of myself. I can only get better from here!
  2. It is safe to be my most authentic self.
  3. I am everything I need to be.
  4. I love myself and those who are worthy of my love.
  5. I have and enforce healthy boundaries.
  6. I matter.
  7. My top priority is my well-being.
  8. It’s okay to be still.
  9. I ask my mind, body, and soul what it needs, and I easily provide it.
  10. I see the good in myself.

7 Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am connected to my Higher Self at all times.
  2. I move in alignment with the Universe.
  3. I am the energy I want to attract.
  4. I am always divinely taken care of, exactly when I need to be.
  5. Serenity fills my entire being.
  6. I exist within a vast universe of possibilities.
  7. I am not afraid of the unknown.

7 Women’s Health Affirmations

These affirmations for Women can help you rediscover your sense of power, importance, and self in today’s social climate.

  1. I am the strongest, most fierce protector of my own body and health.
  2. I claim my power. I am the queen of me.
  3. I have the final decision on who can enter my energy, mind, and space.
  4. I am in charge of my own identity.
  5. I honor my need to rest and recharge.
  6. My body is wise. I listen and easily understand what it wants.
  7. I trust my intuition and keep an open mind to the truth.

6 Work Affirmations

  1. I am clear, focused, and determined.
  2. I am worth taking my work breaks for.
  3. I’m allowed to make mistakes because I always learn from them.
  4. I easily learn something new every day.
  5. I am creating a workspace that inspires me.
  6. I am the owner of my career growth.

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