Well known for her descent into the Underworld, Persephone eats a pomegranate that keeps her tied to Hades. Why does she happily stay and return every year?
Some tellers of the story of Persephone say that eating the pomegranate seeds damned her to be trapped below the Earth.
Others say that she gained so much knowledge, that the Underworld was no longer seen as a scary place, but as a provider of balance.
Either way, pomegranates are deliciously magickal!
In this guide:

Magickal Properties of Pomegranate | Materia Magicka
Latin Name
- Punica granatum
Folk Names
- Carthage Apple
- Grenadier
- Malicorio
- Malum Punicum
- Pound Garnet
- Granatum
- Female
- Air
- Fire
- Venus
- Pluto
- Scorpio
- Astarte
- Persephone
- Sekhmet
- Third Eye Chakra
- Root Chakra
Magical Properties Of Pomegranates
- Blood Substitute: Use the juice in place of older spells that call for blood.
- Fertility Divination: Cut open a fruit, and throw it onto the ground. The number of seeds that pop out equals the number of children you will have.
- Inner Voice: Eat the seeds in order to focus on what your body and spirit really need.
- Magickal Ink: Use the juice as ink for spells and petitions.
- Money Incense: Dry and grind the skin and add it to money incense.
- Protection: Hang branches near or above your door to ward off evil.
- Wisdom: Drink the juice or eat the seeds while drawing down the moon. Meditate and ask for guidance, knowledge, or wisdom.
- Wish Magick: Eat the seeds before making a wish to aid in it coming true.
What are some of your favorite ways to use this fruit in your magickal working? Let us know in the comments below!
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