Dark, bitter, and mysterious, cranberries are most well known for their use between Samhain and Yule.
Cranberry sauce, juice, and wine are delicious, nutritious, and highly magickal!
Yes, witches, that can of jellied berry sauce can easily be bewitched for love and energy.
In fact, if your ritual calls for wine, cranberry juice makes a great ritual substitute for wine!
In This Guide

Magickal Correspondences of Cranberries | Materia Magicka
Latin Name
- Vaccinium macrocarpon (US variety)
- Vaccinium oxycoccos (UK variety)
Folk Names
- Bog fruit
- Marshworts
- Female
- Water
- Fire
- Mars
- Sagittarius
- Astarte
- Root Chakra
Magical Properties Of Cranberries
- Abundance: Write what you want to fill your life with onto a piece of paper. Place that paper onto a plate and pour enough cranberries to fill the plate. Visualize that your life is full of what you wish for, just like a bog is filled with the fruit. Cook and eat the berries.
- Energy: Make homemade cranberry sauce with cinnamon and clove. Enchant for increasing energy.
- Healing: Place the berries in a bowl and place it under the bed during healing or rest.
- Love: Cook with cranberries to inspire love.
- Ritual Wine substitute: Use the juice as a substitute for wine in your rituals and spells.
What are some of your favorite ways to use these berries in your magickal working? Let us know in the comments below!
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