Magickal Correspondences of Common Sage
Most often used around Thanksgiving, common sage or garden sage has an amazing flavor and👉
Magickal Correspondences of Cranberries
Dark, bitter, and mysterious, cranberries are most well known for their use between Samhain and👉
Magickal Correspondences of Oregano
Warm, soothing, comforting, tasty, and magickal, oregano conjures up vibrations of love, family, and happiness.👉
Magickal Correspondences of Pomegranate
Well known for her descent into the Underworld, Persephone eats a pomegranate that keeps her👉
The Easiest Way to Open Your Third Eye
We’re always on the hunt for more information, especially when we’re spiritually guided. After a👉
5 Eucalyptus Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
There’s nothing better than a cough soothed by scent healing scent of Vick’s Vaporub. However,👉
8 Ways to Use Bay Leaves in Magick
Quick, powerful spells should be a major part of any Witch’s toolkit. One of our👉
The Best Fire Cider Recipe for Cold and Flu Season
Zesty, firey, and powerful is exactly how we like our homemade health tonics! That’s how👉
Confessions of a New Witch, Part 4: My Astrologer Made Me A Better Pagan Parent
My next confession: My daughter is, ummm, intense. It’s possible that I may also be👉
If Christmas in July can be a thing, Halloween in May should Def be a Thing Quote
If you love Halloween, and this is you, let people know! Share this with your👉