Magical Properties of Lavender | Materia Magicka
Relaxing, calming, and beautiful, lavender is a highly cherished herb for aromatherapy, bath products, and👉
The Fool: Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
The Fool is the card numbered 0 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck.👉
Best Creamed Spinach Recipe For Love & Wealth
Perfect for a date night, our newest magical recipe is a smooth, savory, slightly rustic👉
Cloves: Magical Uses & Spiritual Meanings
Cloves are an iconic remedy and staple in holiday baked goods, but can clove’s benefits👉
6 Protection Symbols to Keep You Safe
Looking for extra protection in your life? Feeling ungrounded? Wish you could let a few👉
Breaking News: All Retrogrades Are Gone | Astrology
For the first time, in what feels like forever, our celestial sky is operating at👉
24 Crystals For Protection: A Guide To Save You In All Situations
Feel drained at the end of your workday? Does your aura look like swiss cheese👉
Witches Share How To Develop Psychic Abilities [#WitchChat Recap]
How do you become a psychic? Is it something that every person is born with👉
Pearl Meaning, Symbolism & Uses In Spells
Pearls are the ultimate natural gemstone for overcoming obstacles and inviting persistence into your life!👉
Properties Of Amethyst: Healing Uses & Spiritual Meanings
Amethyst, a variety of quartz, is every Witch’s favorite crystal! Deeply purple with shimmering flashes👉