Category Archives: Wicca
Evoke Definition | What Does Evoke Mean? | Your Witchcraft Dictionary
You may have heard that you should “evoke” something into your sacred space, not invoke.👉
What Does Invoke Mean? Your Witchcraft Dictionary
Your candles are lit. Incense is going. Are you about to invoke a spirit without👉
6 Protection Symbols to Keep You Safe
Looking for extra protection in your life? Feeling ungrounded? Wish you could let a few👉
The Complete List of Chakra Crystals
Everyone wants to keep their aura clean! The best way to do that is through👉
What Is Yule?
Yule was originally the Winter Solistice as celebrated by our ancestors all over northern Europe.👉
Blue Candle Meanings For Spells | Candle Magic
Candle magic is the easiest and most popular type of magic in our world. Manifesting👉
Samhain Sabbat Correspondences | The Witches’ New Year
It’s finally coming! If you’re reading this, chances are: Samhain is almost here! Witches everywhere👉
Mabon: Meanings and a Quick History
Happy Witches’ Thanksgiving! It’s time to turn the Witches’ Wheel of the Year once more,👉
Mabon Sabbat Correspondences
Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox or the first day of Autumn, is a👉
3 Tarot Card Activities for Beginners
Whether you are searching for guidance or you want to deepen a relationship with your👉