Category Archives: Nature

Magical Properties of Mugwort | Materia Magicka

Witches and mugwort go together like Halloween and black cats! Chances are, if you glance👉

Magical Properties of Moonstone | Moonstone Materia Magicka

Many people ask what crystals a Witch should have in his, her, or their sacred👉

How to use a Crystal Ball for Scrying

Crystal ball? Check. Third-eye on point? Check. Now what? How do you scry with a👉

The 7 Best Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Wondering how to survive Mercury Retrograde? Aside from casting protection spells and charms on your👉

Magical Properties of Thyme | Thyme Materia Magicka

Many modern Pagans’ and Wiccans’ best set of magical spell ingredients exists within their kitchen👉

Magical Properties of Fluorite | Fluorite Materia Magicka

Known as one of the most colorful minerals in the world, fluorite is a favorite👉

Magical Properties of Elderberry | Materia Magicka

Elderberry is one of an herbalist’s favorite magical herbs! Popular in delicious, cinnamony, warm elderberry👉

5 Ways to Use Selenite

Selenite is a beautiful white, fiber crystal that works with your heart chakra and energy👉

Magical Properties of Carnelian | Carnelian Materia Magicka

A powerful crystal cleanser and chakra recharger, the red-orange crystal should be in every spiritualist’s👉

Magical Properties of Cucumber | Materia Magicka

Cooling, refreshing, and magical, the delicious cucumber has more than just a place in your👉