Tag Archives: mabon

Sweet Potato Oven Wedges for Friendship, Happiness, and Grounding | Kitchen Witchcraft Recipes

Really good food always makes us happy and these crispy, sweet, and savory, magickal oven👉

Mabon: Meanings and a Quick History

Happy Witches’ Thanksgiving! It’s time to turn the Witches’ Wheel of the Year once more,👉

Mabon Sabbat Correspondences

Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox or the first day of Autumn, is a👉

5 Quick Ways to Celebrate Mabon

Busy Witch, like us? Forgot to plan a Mabon ritual? We know how that goes;👉

Mabon Ritual for Ultimate Balance

Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is a time for coming to terms with👉

How to Pronounce Mabon

Put an end to the confusion. Discover the correct pronunciation of Mabon and why it's👉