3 Minute Mindfulness and Focus Training

Mindfulness is the practice of being in the moment and focusing on the present. When👉

Red Candle Healing Spell

Healing spells are some of PlentifulEarth’s favorite spells! This free spell utilizes the power of👉


The Differences between Tourmaline and Onyx

Tourmaline is one of our favorite and most-used stones, so this is right up our👉

Divine Happiness Rose Quartz Crystal Grid

Ready to bring boundless happiness into your life? Excited to feel true happiness that doesn’t👉

How to Love Being a Pisces

Were you born between February 19 – March 20? If so, you’re a Pisces! What👉

Full Moon Sacred Gifts Chant

There are two wonderful things that you can do to enrich your life during the👉

Give to the Opportunity Positive Quote

Share this amazing quote on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more! Visit our Fountain of Inspiration👉

Too Many Have To’s Positive Quote

Share this amazing quote on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more! Visit our Fountain of Inspiration👉

Be a Fountain not a Drain Positive Quote

Share this amazing quote on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more! Visit our Fountain of Inspiration👉

You have Permission to Rest Positive Quote

Share this amazing quote on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more! Visit our Fountain of Inspiration👉