Confessions of a New Witch: The Rituals Of Making A House A Home
We just moved and it was… A LOT. We moved from South Carolina to Colorado,👉
Easy Way to Activate Your Intuition in 2 Steps
Steve Jobs once said, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow👉
How to Prune Basil
Your loving Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) has grown all leggy and not bushy. How does👉
What is Ancestor Veneration?
Although I grew up listening to my dad’s clichéd stories about how his grandfather came👉
Confessions Of A New Witch, Part 2: Clearing Mental Clutter
I really want to be good at Tarot, y’all. I do. I want to have👉
How to Make Full Moon Water
Wondering what to do during tonight’s full moon? Why not capture the energy of the👉
5 Ways to Practice Magick in a College Dorm
In college? Wondering how to secretly cast spells without eyes being cast on you? Maybe👉
How Well Do You Know Halloween Classic: Hocus Pocus?
Let’s kick off pre-Halloween season with our favorite sisters: The Sanderson Sisters! How much do👉
Confessions of a New Witch, Part 1
I keep trying to write about how it started, but the truth is that I👉
Aura Cleansing, Cord-Cutting Meditation
Feel sluggish? Exhausted? Empathic and full of other people’s energies? Maybe you’ve tried cleansing your👉