Solitude and serenity: embracing the metaphysical wilderness in a cozy red cabin.

Confessions of a New Witch: The Rituals Of Making A House A Home

We just moved and it was… A LOT. We moved from South Carolina to Colorado, so this was no small thing. Oh, and we brought two kids under five with us. (We weren’t allowed to leave them with the old house.)

Setting up a new household has been exhausting and overwhelming, but there were a few things that we did that have been truly helpful and so I thought I would share them with you.

3 Witch Tips for Moving to a New House

After Closing: Clean, Cleanse and Claim your new home

After the closing, before the movers came, before we did ANYTHING at all in this house we introduced ourselves to it, cleared it, washed it, and claimed it.

We walked through the house together, noticing details and talking about how it felt. The two of us really took time to be in it together. Then we split up and cleared the house using the smoke from Palo Santo. He started at the top, I started in the basement, we met in the middle.

Then, we washed all of the doorways and windows with a recipe that I got from a dear friend – it included Florida Water and herbs and was the very first thing that I ‘cooked’ in our new home. Again he started from the top and I from the bottom. The last of the mixture was poured over our front step.

After spiritually cleansing: Bless your new home

Then, I walked through each room and prayed a blessing onto it. I carried the St. Joseph statue we had used in our ritual to help sell our previous home. I prayed to him to help us truly settle here and make this a home, not just our house. He sits in our front room now, where we see him every day.

After blessing: Claim your new home and meet the energies of the space

We left out bread and milk for the spirits of our house that night. When I began planting in the garden I was careful and respectful because I was introducing myself to this land. We have shown with our actions that we care about this place and will steward it well.

There is still so much to do. Some days I truly wonder if we will ever unpack the last of the boxes and if I’ll ever actually finish arranging and rearranging. But it already feels like home. It already feels like it is ours. This house has given us its allegiance and we have given it ours.

Copyright 2018 Graeme Seabrook + Plentiful Earth / All Rights Reserved.

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