Category Archives: Sabbat Spells and Rituals

Samhain Guardian Spell

Did you know that Samhain (pronounced Sow-In) actually dates back at least 2,000 years ago?👉

Mabon Ritual for Ultimate Balance

Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is a time for coming to terms with👉

Samhain Ritual: Connect to your Spirit Family for Growth

Samhain is the favorite holiday or Sabbat of thousands of Witch’s, worldwide. Between the cool👉

Easy Lammas Ritual for Divine Guidance and Blessings

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is the first traditional Pagan festival of the harvest season. Representing the👉

MookyChick’s May Day Crowning Worldwide Ritual ⚡ An Interview

See the Beltane/May Day Ritual Here → Happy Beltane! Join us on May 1 of👉

Ostara Ritual for Manifestation + Open Possibilities 2018

Grow your intentions and manifest your needs with this Ostara ritual! What is Ostara? Ostara,👉