Love, romance, good luck, and pregnancy are not only the magickal properties of the luscious strawberry!
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Packed with tons of good vibes and minerals, this berry is one of our favorite magickal fruits!
This berry fast tracks its user to immediate results, but be ready for the intensity that this magickal ingredient brings.
Here’s our list of the magickal properties of this juicy red berry!

Magickal Correspondences of Strawberry | A Materia Magicka
Latin Name
- Fragaria × ananassa
- Female
- Water
- Venus
- Scorpio
- Freya
- Sacral Chakra
Strawberry’s Magical Properties
- Dedication, through solving problems and becoming stronger
- Fertility
- Love, by overcoming barriers and issues
- Luck
What are some of your favorite ways to use this fruit in your magickal working? Let us know in the comments below!
Copyright 2018 Jennifer “Aurora Moone” McDonald / All Rights Reserved.
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