Beginner Witch? Closeted Witch? Need low-key spell ingredients to fuel your desire to make a change in the world? Don’t worry; we’ve got you! Did you know that your kitchen is filled with tons of amazing spices that are not only excellent for cooking but are also excellent in spell work? That’s right!
Cinnamon does more than make amazing coffee cake, and black pepper does more than put decorative specks on your fried eggs! The spice pantry of your kitchen is brimming with magickal energy, waiting for you to tap into it!
Not only will this list of 31 everyday herbs and spices that you can use in spells increase your ability to morph the cosmos, but it will also help you bridge your magickal and spiritual practice into your everyday life! No more magickal mindset; all magick, all the time. Let’s tear down those barriers, shall we?

31 Everyday Herbs and Spices that You can use in Spells
Allspice Correspondences
Buy dried allspice for spells.
- Magickal Properties
- Luck
- Money
- Positivity
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids digestion
- Mild anesthetic
- Reduces flatulence
Basil Correspondences
Buy basil anointing oil | basil washes for spells.
- Magickal Properties
- Business success
- Happiness
- Love
- Money
- Peace
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids in headache curing
- Antibiotic
- Antifungal
- Prevents flatulence
- Reduces anxiety
Bay Leaves Correspondences
Buy bay leaves for spells.
- Magickal Properties
- Banishing
- Empowerment
- Exorcism
- Fidelity
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Psychic Development
- Wealth
- Wish Magick
- Medicinal Properties
- Bactericidal
- Calms nerves
- Fungicidal
- Helps cure chest colds
- Reduces arthritis pain
- Learn More: Bay Laurel Materia Magicka
Black Pepper Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Banishing
- Binding
- Creating confusion
- Dispelling curses
- Exorcism
- Protection from evil
- Stop gossip
- Ward off jealousy
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids Digestion
- Antioxidant
- Helps against cold and flu
Cayenne Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Aid separation
- Empowerment
- Increasing the aura
- Overcome heartbreak
- Protection
- Romance
- Speed up spell results
- Strength
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids digestion
- Aids in detoxes
- Boosts metabolism
- Relieves migraines
Cinnamon Correspondences
Buy cinnamon incense | cinnamon oils | dried cinnamon for spells.
- Magickal Properties
- Draw love
- Fast money
- Happiness
- Healing work
- Increase spiritual energy
- Money
- Wealth
- Medicinal Properties
- Helps ward off car sickness
- Reduces stress
Chili Powder Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Spell booster
- Ward off unwanted visitors
- Medicinal Properties
- Antioxidant
- Helps reduce fat
Cloves Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Money
- Stops gossip
- Strong protection from all harm
- Wealth
- Medicinal Properties
- Aphrodisiac
- Reduces inflammation
- Reduces toothache pain
Crushed Red Pepper Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Aid separation
- Empowerment
- Increasing the aura
- Overcome heartbreak
- Protection
- Romance
- Speed up spell results
- Strength
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids digestion
- Aids in detoxes
- Boosts metabolism
- Relieves migraines
Cumin Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Aids in exorcism
- Fidelity
- Protection
- Wards off thieves
- Medicinal Properties
- Aphrodisiac
- Eases colic
- Reduces gas and bloating
- Stops diarrhea
Curry Powder Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Beauty spells
- Protection from evil
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids in liver detox
- Anti-aging
- Boosts metabolism
- Promotes healthy bones
Dill Weed Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Luck
- Money
- Protection
- Romance
- Medicinal Properties
- Reduces gas and bloating
Fennel Seeds Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Diet spells
- Home protection
- Increases charisma
- Increases memory
- Strengthens the mind
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids in digestion
- Reduces colic
Garlic Powder Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Dissuade thieves
- Love
- Protects against psychic vampires
- Remove negative energy
- Remove stalkers
- Strengthens other spell ingredients
- Medicinal Properties
- Cures athletes foot
- Cures cold sores
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Reduce risk of colon and prostate cancer
- Reduce tick bite frequency
- Softens hard arteries
- Magickal Properties
- Healing
- New opportunities
- Romance
- Speeds up spells
- Strength
- Medicinal Properties
- Cures stomach cramps
- Helps reduce menstrual cramps
- Stops nausea, of all kinds
Marjoram Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Ancestor magick
- Animal magick
- Courage
- Dreams
- Eases grieving
- Happiness
- Money
- Peace
- Protection
- Psychic awareness
- Protection
- Success
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids in digestion
Mint Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Cleansing
- Happiness
- Inspiration
- Money
- Optimism
- Positivity
- Purification
- Studying
- Writing
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mustard Seed Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Courage
- Faith
- Endurance
- Success
- Wards off injury
- Wards off thieves
- Medicinal Properties
- Increases appetite
Nutmeg Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Breaking curses
- Creative thinking
- Luck
- Money
- Prosperity
- Success
- Wealth
- Medicinal Properties
- Aiding in digestion
Onion Powder Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Absorbs and removes harmful energies
- Grounding and centering
- Healing work
- Removes bad habits
- Stability
- Medicinal Properties
- Reduces scarring
Oregano Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Happiness
- Healing
- Strength
- Vitality
- Medicinal Properties
- Effective against intestinal parasites
- Helps reduce high blood pressure
Paprika Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Increases power of other spell ingredients
Parsley Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Calm
- Inspiration
- Luck
- Protection
- Purification
- Strength
- Vitality
- Wealth
- Medicinal Properties
- Remedies bad breath
Poppy Seeds Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Happiness
- Increased awareness
- Insomnia
- Invisibility
- Luck
- Pleasure
Rosemary Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Blessing
- Consecrating
- Fairy magick
- Healing
- Love
- Purification
- Romance
- Medicinal Properties
- Relieving sore throats
Sage Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Cleansing
- Consecrating
- Exorcism
- Healing
- Increasing memory
- Purification
- Wisdom
- Wish magick
- Medicinal Properties
- Increases memory
- Increases mental performance
- Reduces effects of Alzheimer’s disease
- Reduces high cholesterol
- Reduces menopausal symptoms
- Treats cold sores
Salt Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Cleansing
- Healing
- Purification
- Medicinal Properties
- Reduces sinus swelling
Tabasco Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Aid separation
- Empowerment
- Increasing the aura
- Overcome heartbreak
- Protection
- Romance
- Speed up spell results
- Strength
- Medicinal Properties
- Aids digestion
- Aids in detoxes
- Boosts metabolism
- Relieves migraines
Tarragon Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Aids in compassion
- Stops abuse
Thyme Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Affection
- Banishing
- Beauty
- Courage
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Strength
- Ward off nightmares
Turmeric Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Banish harmful energies
- Exorcism
- Healing
- Protection
- Strength
- Vitality
- Medicinal Properties
- Reduces high cholesterol
- Reduces painful osteoarthritis
Vanilla Correspondences
- Magickal Properties
- Beauty
- Happiness
- Romance
- Self-love
- Vitality
- Medicinal Properties
- Aphrodisiac
You can use these herbs in spells, in spell recipes, to dress your candles, to make sachets, and more!
Don’t see your favorite spice on the list? Comment below, and we’ll add it!