Let me be one of the many to say: Pagans and Wiccans love their holidays! We celebrate every major change in nature because work very closely with the cycles of nature. Leaves change color? Time to celebrate. Green peeks out from under snow? Time to celebrate! Pumpkins and Halloween decorations finally show up in Walmart? Time to celebrate! 🎃
So, what are the pagan holidays? Well, we’ll list them out here for you, along with their traditional dates!
What are the Pagan Holidays?
The Pagan holidays are, simply put, eight celebrations of the changing of seasons, whether long or short. You may also see these dates referred to as the “Wheel of the Year”. Originally used to help tell time, as well as mark special harvest and planting dates, the Wiccan and Pagan holidays are based around working with the natural energy flow of Earth.
Sabbats are celebrations that revolve around the changing of the seasons or planting/harvesting dates.
Esbats are celebrations that revolve around the phases of the moon.

When are the Pagan Holidays or Sabbats?
(Dates based on Northern Hemisphere celebrations.)
The Pagan holidays are:
- Samhain: October 31 – November 1
- Yule: December 20-23
- Imbolc: February 2
- Ostara: March 19 – 22
- Beltane: May 1
- Midsummer: June 19 – 23
- Lammas: August 1
- Mabon: September 21 – 24
Comment below if you’d love to see the dates for the Southern Hemisphere!
Copyright 2018 Jennifer “Aurora Moone” McDonald / All Rights Reserved.