Category Archives: Wicca

MookyChick’s May Day Crowning Worldwide Ritual ⚡ An Interview

See the Beltane/May Day Ritual Here → Happy Beltane! Join us on May 1 of👉

#WiccanChat Recap: Books on Witchcraft

Read our magickal #WiccanChat recap below, and feel like you were part of the magick! Follow👉

Ostara Magickal Correspondences

Ostara, Eostre, Vernal Equinox, and Spring Equinox are all beautiful ways to refer to the👉

Familiars + Animal Magick: Your #WiccanChat Recap

Read our magickal #WiccanChat recap below, and feel like you were part of the magick! Follow👉

Imbolc Magickal Correspondences

Also known as Candlemas and Groundhog Day, Imbolc is a beautiful Pagan celebration that signals👉

Best + Worst Witch Moments: Your #WiccanChat Recap

This week on #WiccanChat, we sparked some magick with the elements! Our Sisters and Brothers of👉

Working with the Elements: Your #WiccanChat Recap

This week on #WiccanChat, we sparked some magick with the elements! Our Sisters and Brothers of👉

Self-Care Rituals: Your #WiccanChat Recap

This week on #WiccanChat, we asked our beautiful Sisters and Brothers what they’d love to chat👉

Ethics + Wicca: Your #WiccanChat Recap

This week on #WiccanChat, we delved into how ethics plays a major role in how we👉