The first day of Fall is here again, and with it comes the perfect vibe for apple cider! Traditionally, it can take hours to simmer up a cauldron or pot full of this delicious, warm, cinnamon drink, but with a pressure cooker, it can be ready in less than 40 minutes!
Apples naturally have a star, or pentagram, in the center of them when cut horizontally. This makes them a perfect fruit for Kitchen Witches! Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit are called upon naturally when we cook with apples! Their magical properties include happiness, friendship, balance, love, prosperity and healing. So this magical potion recipe is perfect for calling in warming love and wealth during the winter months!
How do you do a spell recipe? Easy! All you have to do is read what each ingredient is used for in magic and Witchcraft, visualize a goal of that energy as you prepare it, and know that when you eat or drink your recipe, you’re taking in that intention!
So, let’s set an intention for warm love, happiness, and wealth for Fall.

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