Mabon and Samhain are two of a Witches’ favorite holidays!
They’re both times for us to go within and reconnect with our Selves and our families!
Whether you’re enjoying a Witches’ Thanksgiving Mabon feast with your family or honoring your ancestors at Samhain, this savory, homey main dish will reconnect you with the love of your family.
What is a Magical Recipe?
A magical recipe is any recipe that’s made with a specific intention in mind. Each of the ingredients that go into the dish add specific energy to work towards your intention’s manifestation! Just like in a normal spell, you should visualize your goal as having happened. As you prepare and add the ingredients, state how its energy helps your spell. Visualize that whoever eats your cooking gets your intention manifested!
This particular lamb shank recipe contains ingredients that help remove negative energy from your family and allows the room to reconnect with relatives and ancestors!