Mercury Retrograde has been described as a time of utter chaos. Some say wrecks happen left and right, communications go haywire, and travel plans get thrown off schedule.
To be honest, this description isn’t far off! Mercury in retrograde, more popularly known as Mercury Retrograde, is a time when the planet Mercury, which rules travel, communication, and intellect, appears to slow down, stop moving, and move backwards.
While this movement is just an optical illusion created from how we see the small planet as we pass it, its energetic effects mimic Mercury’s apparent movement.
That’s right, as the planet slows down, so does travel, communication, and thought. As Mercury goes backwards, travel, communications, and thought also feel backwards and unclear.
Wondering how to survive a Mercury Retrograde with your sanity intact? We’ll help you out.

30 Things to do During a Mercury Retrograde
- Over-communicate and ask for clarification.
- Communicate with empathy and understanding: Know that what’s being said is influenced by Mercury Retrograde.
- Internalize, instead of externalize.
- Don’t take anything personally.
- If you have to sign any contracts, be sure to really read the small print.
- Quadruple-Check important documents and emails.
- Use Copy and Paste before sending long text.
- Visualize a white circle of protective light around your electronics.
- Re-confirm all dates and appointments.
- Purchase tracking codes and insurance for all mail.
- Pack an emergency vehicle repair kit.
- Start your commute earlier than usual.
- Drive defensively, instead of offensively.
- Ask your angels or favorite deities to protect your car.
- Visualize a white circle of protective light around your car.
- Get to the airport or other transportation station earlier.
- Bring something fun to do at the airport, in case of delays.
- Expect to hear from people in your past, as retrogrades typically pushes people to work through old scars.
- Reconnect with who you are.
- Focus on finishing projects that you’ve already started.
- Work on empowering your throat chakra.
- Carry or wear lapis lazuli to restore your charisma.
- Carry or wear emerald for clarity in communication and plans.
- Carry or wear blue lace agate to calm frantic communication.
- Carry or wear amazonite to sweeten and give grace to communication.
- Carry or wear aquamarine for patience and clarity.
- Carry or wear black tourmaline or hematite to calm road rage.
- Carry or wear an amulet of St. Christopher when traveling.
- Carry or wear clear quartz to clarify and remove all obstacles.
- Hang an amulet of St. Christopher in your car to keep it safe.
What are some of your favorite ways to make it through a Mercury Retrograde?Copyright 2017 Plentiful Earth, LLC. / All Rights Reserved.