A person forms a heart shape with their hands, highlighted against a softly blurred background of twinkling lights, accompanied by the text "#wiccanchat recap: topic: working with the elements – plentiful

Working with the Elements: Your #WiccanChat Recap

This week on #WiccanChat, we sparked some magick with the elements! Our Sisters and Brothers of The Craft answered questions about how they work with the elements, experiences they had with elemental energy, and more on Twitter as part of Plentiful Earth’s Wiccan Chat! This was our fifth Twitter chat, and we look forward to seeing our Pagan Twitter community grow!

Read our magickal recap below, and feel like you were part of the magick! Follow us on Twitter, and be sure to join us on Twitter every Wednesday at 11am Central time! We cover a new Wiccan topic every week!

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11am CT

9am PT

Wiccan Chat Working with the Elements

Icebreaker: What is your favorite element? Does it resonate with the main element of your astrological birth chart?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “IB: Earth! I have no planets in earth signs in my chart at all. It’s all water and fire. Mostly water, even though I’m an Aries #WiccanChat” @NorthwestWitch
  • “IB: I’m a Pisces, and yes, everything water does resonate with my main elements. In good ways & bad (plumbing problems abound!) #WiccanChat” @madrabanrion
  • “My favourite element is fire but my birthsign is a water sign #WiccanChat” @PaigeofMaces
  • “I don’t think I have a favorite yet, I feel a small pull to all 4. More fire and water though. I’m a Leo #WiccanChat” @leAmazing_1
  • “My favorite element has always been air, and it has resonated with me sinceI was a kid. However I find myself being pulled towards water ♋️” @autisticwitchy
  • “I have two favorite elements, fire and water. I use fire for meditation and divination. I use water for grounding and cleansing. #WiccanChat” @Momma_V_Wicca
  • “IB (late to the game): earth is what I’m drawn to despite being a fire sign. Fire doesn’t ressonate much w/me outside of a good campfire.” @acmack
  • “Fire. And yes it’s my birth element. I’ve always had a thing for fire lol. I can lose myself in the flames. Something soothing about it.” @PMoonfire

Q1: Many cultures have different elements that are utilized in their foundational practices. What elements do you typically work with as your mains?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “I use the classic western EARTHVAIR FIRE WATER and then spirit or aether”  @FatFemnistWitch
  • “A1: Lately I’ve only been doing Air Work with the elements, because it’s the calmest and most peaceful.”@BreakdownGraphx
  • “A1: I work with the three elements of Land, Sea & Sky. I worship a Greek Goddess & She is all about those 3s.” @wickedwitch1987
  • “A1 : I’m rediscovering and still learning so I haven’t worked much yet. I’m not sure what I will use more. Fire and water do attract me.” @leAmazing_1
  • “A1: When I do, it’s with the Celtic three: Land, Sea, and Sky.” @julidrevezzo

See all answers here!

Q2: How do you represent your elements in your sacred space?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “A2: An American Indian fan for Air; A crystal ball for Earth; A whiskey tumbler for Water; A maple wood wand for Fire;” @8019346
  • “A2 : I still have to find and set up a space for me. I’m not sure what I will use. Probably switch around. #WiccanChat” @leAmazing_1
  • “A2 I’ll use Candle for fire, incense for wind, bowl of water for water, and salt for earth. #WiccanChat” @Wicca_BluMoon

See all answers here!

Q3: How do you honor and work with the elements in everyday life? (Simple or complex)

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “A3 Simply Acknowledging the elements is a powerful method for opening up your own channels. @BreakdownGraphx
  • “A3: For me it’s a simple acknowledgement of them. They are always there whether I think about them or not. #Wiccanchat” @witchingmoon13
  • “A3 The elements are around is 24/365. I will touch differeny thing and will give them a little boost of energy to say thank you. #Wiccanchat” @Wicca_BluMoon
  • “A3: I work with earth every day for grounding, air/breath for centering. I thank water when I shower and drink tea.In winter I thank fire for the stove/oven and for heat, but in summer I ask fire why the sun has to be so hot. 😝” @NorthwestWitch

See all answers here!

Q4: Do you find that purposefully/consistently working with the elements yields an easier or more difficult lifestyle?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “A4: Um, yes. I have a tendency to pull in storms (not kidding) so I have to carefully invoke them! Eep!” @julidrevezzo
  • “A4: Neither easier nor harder for me, but more beautiful. It gives deeper meaning to “everyday” things.” @NorthwestWitch
  • “A4. Elements have different personality like people do. Most are good but sometime you get one that wants to cause trouble.” @Wicca_BluMoon
  • “A4: I have found that for me it makes me more aware of my place in the Cosmos & gives me a deeper appreciation for the Earth.” @witchingmoon13

See all answers here!

Q5: Have you ever experienced issues or catastrophes with forgetting to dismiss the elements when your rituals are complete?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “A5: Once a friend & I forgot to close a circle & ended up psychically linked for MONTHS before we realized what happened. It was a huge relief when we figured it out & broke the link. It’s uncomfortable having someone else in your head!” @NorthwestWitch
  • “A5: No. And I think that’s because I don’t work with them the way that many witches do. I don’t call or invoke them.” @witchingmoon13
  • “A5: Opening a circle, calling upon element gates before sleep. Closing circle in morning and dismissing elements seems fine.” @8019346

See all answers here!

Q6: If you could have one elemental being with you always, what would it be and why?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “A6: I feel like I DO have all of them with me always … so I can’t pick just one. 💜” @NorthwestWitch
  • “A6. I would choose Water. Because it conflicts with my personality but would be a great partner and helper when adjusted.” @Wicca_BluMoon
  • “A6: Herm…Good question. I guess earth. I’d like my garden to do better! :)” @julidrevezzo

See all answers here!

Takeaway: What’s one way you can change how you work with the elements for the next week?

Answers from the Wiccan Community: 

  • “This chat has been an inspiration to pay closer attention each day. I’ve been busy lately and not as tuned in as usual” @NorthwestWitch
  • “Takeaway: I think I will work on finding how and which ones I feel most connected with. Work on how I want to interact.”@leAmazing_1
  • “I have learned that I am very inconsistent & could benefit from something a bit more formal or ritualized” @madrabanrion


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us! If you missed it, we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday!

Have any comments or answers to these questions? Leave a comment below!

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