Category Archives: Plant & Herb Magical Properties

The Ultimate Guide To Using Palo Santo In Your Daily Life

Today, we’re delving into the sacred world of Palo Santo, a naturally spiritual wood with👉

Magical Properties of Radish | How to Use Radish in Spells

Radishes, vibrant and peppery roots, are not only a staple in culinary traditions around the👉

Magical Properties of Calendula

Calendula, also known as marigold, has been revered in various cultures for its spiritual and👉

Meadowsweet: Spiritual Uses

Meadowsweet, with its sweet fragrance and delicate blooms, has been revered in spiritual practices for👉

Magical Properties of Peppermint

Peppermint, a versatile and powerful herb, is a must-have for any spiritual practitioner. Its fresh,👉

Magical Properties of Sugar | How to Use Sugar in Spells

Can you use sugar in spells? Yup! Find out which spells 👇

Magical Properties of Pineapple | How to Use Pineapple in Spells

How Can You Use Pineapple In Spells? Find out 👇

Magical Properties of Grapefruit | How to Use Grapefruit in Spells

Learn magical properties, correspondences, and spiritual uses of grapefruit. Our materia magical is filled with👉

Magical Properties Of Ginger | How To Use Ginger In Spells

Ginger. In your cabinet - but could it be in your spells, too? Learn it's👉

Magical Properties of Hyssop | How to Use Hyssop in Spells

How can you use Hyssop in spells? Find out now!