Healing spells are some of PlentifulEarth’s favorite spells! This free spell utilizes the power of candles to bring about powerful healing energy.
The red candle of this spell is for vitality, energy, swiftness, and the physical body. When used for healing, red candles help heal by increasing a person’s energy, helping them fight off infection. They also help increase the strength to get rid of harmful energy, and help speed up the recovery process.
Use this healing candle spell to help anyone who needs quick healing and the energy to fight the fear of illness.

Red Candle Healing Spell
- Red Candle (Buy yours here!)
- 2 pieces of Paper
- Cauldron or fire-safe dish (Buy yours here!)
- Cast your protective circle or ask for the protection and guidance of your Angels.
- Draw a picture or write the name of the person with the illness, disease, wound, or health issue on a piece of paper.
- Clearly point out the problem in the picture or write the exact areas affected by the problem and what the problem is.
- Charge a red candle with healing energy.
- Light the red candle.
- Light the disease paper with the cleansing fire of the red candle and drop it into a heatproof container. Imagine that as the flame destroys the paper, the cleansing fire is clearing and removing all traces of that illness and disease from the person.
- While the red candle still burning, draw another picture of the person or write his or her name without the ailment. Imagine that the places that once held the illness and disease are now being filled with light and health.
- Place this paper under the red candle and let the candle burn out on its own.
I need a healing spell for my cat he has an injury to his back leg and it isn’t healing well at all. I am very concerned for him, anyone have a simple, but powerful spell for that?