An image showing how to do an egg cleanse

Transform Your Spiritual Energy with the Power of Egg Cleansing: A Step-by-Step Guide

An egg aura cleanse is a simple and effective way to cleanse your energy field and remove any negative energy or attachments.

It’s a common practice among spiritualists and witches, and it can be done in just five minutes.

What is an Egg Cleanse?

An egg aura cleanse is a form of energy cleansing that uses an egg to remove negative energy or attachments from your aura. The aura is the energy field that surrounds your body, and it can become cluttered with negative energy or attachments from other people, places, or things.

Egg cleansing works by using the egg as a sponge to absorb any negative energy or attachments in your aura. The egg is then disposed of, taking the negative energy or attachments with it.

How to Perform an Egg Cleanse

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Transform Your Spiritual Energy with the Power of Egg Cleansing: A Step-by-Step Guide 4

To perform an egg aura cleanse, you’ll need an egg, a bowl, and a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Here are the steps:

An egg aura cleanse is a simple and effective way to cleanse your energy field and remove any negative energy or attachments.

It’s a common practice among spiritualists and witches, and it can be done in just a few minutes with minimal supplies.

Remember to focus on your intention, visualize a clean and purified aura, and dispose of the egg properly to ensure a successful cleansing.

How To Do An Egg Cleanse: A Step-By-Step Guide