a woman holding a bowl

5 Easy Ways To Create Sacred Spaces

How do you separate work and spirituality?

Is there a specific place to practice meditation in?

How do I make my home feel more comfortable?

The answer is by making your space feel special, or sacred. You just need to create sacred space!

Before you settle into your yoga practice, wind down to meditate, or cast your magickal circle for casting spells, it’s important to take a moment to cleanse and create your sacred space.

What Are Sacred Spaces?

Sacred spaces are, in a perfect world, areas that are sacred and dedicated to your spiritual work.

A sacred space is an area that is pure, divine, healing, and safe. It is a space where we can leave behind the cluttered energies of the day and enter a sanctuary of peace, tranquility, and positive energy.

Sacred spaces are always cleaned and maintained with the idea that only positive energy is allowed in and that all things that happen in this space are for the highest good, harming one.

If you are creating a permanent sacred space, do one of these rituals once a month and maintain it throughout that month by actively cleaning and meditating in your space.

If you are creating temporary sacred spaces or your main sacred space will quickly become overrun by piles of laundry (like mine!), you will need to de-clutter and physically clean the space before creating your sacred space.

Cleaning the space makes room for positive energies to flow in and out of your energy field, and removes the possibility of harmful energies to gather and become stagnant. The cleaner you keep your sacred space, the larger the positive energy flow!

5 Easy Ways to Create Sacred Space

The following list is crafted with ease in mind and is perfect for those who are creating their sacred space for the first time!

Divine Light Cleansing

a person with glowing light coming out of their head, using that visualization to create sacred spaces
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This is a tool-free way to cleanse your space and transform it into one of your sacred spaces.

  1. Close your eyes, and take a few deep, meaningful breaths to center yourself in your body.
  2. Imagine a bright, pure, golden thread of light descending from the Heavens, or Upper Realm, and connecting to your head, or Crown Chakra.
  3. Imagine this thread descending down through your body and connecting to the ground below your feet, the ground which you intend to turn into your Sacred Space.
  4. Take a few more deep breaths. With each inhale, imagine more golden light feeding into that thread, and with each exhale, imagine that thread expanding.
  5. Begin by imagining that thread expanding in your body, pushing out and purifying any harmful energies in your body.
  6. When the thread of light reaches the boundary of your body, imagine it expanding through your skin and outside of your body, pushing out and purifying any harmful energies of the space.
  7. Expand it to the boundaries of your space, creating a circle or orb of pure and golden light. This space is now sacred.
  8. Tell yourself, “This space is sacred, this space is safe. Only healing and positive energies can this Sacred Space make.”

“Shoo It Out” Cleansing

a man in a white room with white lanterns and a bird
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This is another tool-free way to create sacred spaces.

  1. Close your eyes, and take a few deep, meaningful breaths to center yourself in your body.
  2. Visualize your room.
  3. Use your senses to visualize any dark patches of negative energies in your future sacred space. See those patches as dark, gross blobs of yucky, gooey energy. You may see a lot of these blobs and you may only see a few.
  4. Tell yourself, “My breath is power, my prana is force.”
  5. Inhale through your nose, visualizing yourself breathing in white or golden light from the Universe or Sun. Exhale through your mouth, visualizing that white or gold light rushing out of your lips. Practice this a few times in order to get the feel of the connection of energy.
  6. When you are ready, starting in the North and turning counterclockwise, inhale deeply, filling your lungs with that white/golden light, and then strongly blow out that white/golden light, using your arms to shoo out the harmful patches of energy.
  7. As you do, visualize your arms flinging your white/golden breath to the harmful patches; visualize your pure breath and energy flinging the harmful energies outside of your the boundaries of your home and far, far away.
  8. Do this all around the circle, counterclockwise, until you reach North.
  9. Then, with both arms out, spin counterclockwise, shooing out any excess energies that your breath may have missed. When you feel that all of the patches have been blown away, spin clockwise, imagining your arms creating an orb of pure and golden light.
  10. This space is now sacred. Tell yourself, “This space is sacred, this space is safe. Only healing and positive energies can this Sacred Space make.”

Vacuum/Sweep it Up Cleansing

a man vacuuming a rug in a room
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If visualization is not your thing, don’t worry! Here’s an easy, more physical way to create sacred spaces.

You’ll Need:

  • Baking soda or carpet sprinkle
  • Vacuum or broom (besom), depending on your floor type

Here’s what you’ll need to do to create sacred spaces by vacuuming or sweeping.

  1. Enter your future sacred space with the idea that there is always positive energy waiting to do what all energy wants to do, multiply and manifest.
  2. Sprinkle your floor with your sprinkle or salt.
  3. Take a moment to visualize all of the harmful energy wisps, blobs, and orbs being absorbed out of the air, out of the ground, and into the grains of baking soda or salt.
  4. Let this element of Earth absorb the harmful and negative energies for 10 minutes.
  5. With your vacuum or broom, remove the sprinkle.
  6. If using your vacuum, visualize all of the residual harmful energies being sucked up and trapped in the vacuum and neutralized by the baking soda sprinkle; if using a broom, visualize all of the harmful energies being scooped up into your dustpan.
  7. Visualize the pure and golden energies of the space multiplying and filling the space with sacred energy.
  8. Immediately take it out to your trashcan or dumpster, and throw it away. The moment you do, say, “My space is sacred, my space is safe. Only healing and positive energies can my Sacred Space make.”

Conscious Movement Cleansing

a man in a white shirt
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In addition to just creating sacred spaces, here’s another great way to keep your entire house sacred!

  1. As you clean and de-clutter the space, consciously visualize each movement, whether this be folding, picking up, or organizing, creating a burst of pure and golden light; visualize this light neutralizing all harmful energies within a foot of this item, on all sides.
  2. When you are done, and the space is clean, tell yourself, “This space is sacred, this space is safe. Only healing and positive energies can this Sacred Space make.”

Sacred Sound Cleansing

bell bracelet
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This method for creating sacred spaces can be done using bells, your favorite uplifting music, tonal cleansing, or with singing bowls.

  1. As you clean and de-clutter the space, sing a favorite hymn or spiritual song, hum from your heart, create a brand new sound, wear jewelry with bells on it, or ring a singing bowl while you clean. These actions are great for attuning the space with pure and golden light.
  2. As you do, imagine that your voice or tool vibrates with pure and golden light, the sound waves bouncing off of and in between every surface and nook of the room, filling the space with pure energy.
  3. When you are done, and the space is clean, tell yourself, “This space is sacred, this space is safe. Only healing and positive energies can this Sacred Space make.”
create sacred space pinterest
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