Every Witch loves a good money spell, and nothing goes better with money magic than a full moon! This prosperity spell uses sympathetic magic, meaning that you’ll use your power of visualization and mimicking to symbolize the magic playing out. After all, the essence of all successful spells is the ability to see the final result happening!
This spell does not use candles, making it great for Water Witches, Wiccans in college, or magical practitioners who need to be discreet! Simply gather a bowl, a silver coin, some water, and the full moon and you’re ready to make magic!

Full Moon Silver Coin Money Spell
Spell Timing: Full Moon, clear sky, night
Spell Ingredients
Spell instructions:
- Prepare sacred space: Outside, sweep dirt and harmful energy out of your space. Using your sage, cleanse your spell items. Set up your altar with any other prosperity or full moon items you’d like to pull energy from.
- Cast your protective circle: Using your favorite circle casting ritual, surround the working area with protection. Don’t know how to cast a circle? Try this simple circle casting ritual!
- Prepare the Spell: Place your coin in the bottom of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water and position it so that it reflects the full moon in the surface of the water.
- Cast the Spell: Visualize the coin being multiplied by the moon’s power until you see a bowl full of money. With both hands, scoop up your wealth by scooping the water into your hands. Drink the handful of water while seeing your life, bank account, and home being filled with wealth. When all of the wealth water has been transferred to you, say “And it harm none, so mote it be.”
- Release your protective circle: Pull up your circle and send the energy to the universe.
- Clean up: Keep your silver coin in your purse or on your altar.