Wiccan Holidays

How To Decorate A Winter Solstice Altar [+ Examples]

How To Decorate A Winter Solstice Altar [+ Examples]

Decorating a Winter Solstice altar can be a deeply personal and spiritual experience, reflecting both the traditional aspects of the…

8 months ago

5 Winter Solstice Traditions For Wiccans

Celebrating the Winter Solstice, or Yule, is a significant part of Wiccan tradition, as it marks the rebirth of the…

8 months ago

How To Choose Yule Log Wood Based On Intent

Cookies, green and red candles, holiday trees, and yule logs. What season are you thinking of? Yule! We hear all…

9 months ago

13 Traditional & Symbolic Samhain Offerings

Wondering what to offer your favorite deities this Samhain? Are pomegranates difficult or too expensive in your area? No worries!…

10 months ago

How To Setup A Samhain Altar [With Photos]

Samhain, pronounced "SAH-win" or "SOW-in," is an ancient Celtic festival celebrating the end of the harvest season and the onset…

10 months ago

13 Samhain Blessings & Chants For A Magical Holiday

As Samhain approaches and the veil between the worlds grows thinner, many of us feel a calling. A calling to…

10 months ago

What Is Yule?

Yule was originally the Winter Solistice as celebrated by our ancestors all over northern Europe. Whether your spiritual ancestors called…

3 years ago

Yule & Winter Solstice Pagan Correspondences

Yule, or the Winter Solstice, is one of our favorite Pagan holidays! The vitality of red, the abundance of green,…

3 years ago

Samhain Sabbat Correspondences | The Witches’ New Year

It’s finally coming! If you’re reading this, chances are: Samhain is almost here! Witches everywhere couldn’t be more excited!  Whether…

3 years ago

Mabon: Meanings and a Quick History

Happy Witches’ Thanksgiving! It’s time to turn the Witches’ Wheel of the Year once more, and this time, we’re celebrating…

3 years ago