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Hot Foot Powder Recipe

Hot foot powder is an amazing Hoodoo trick to keep specific people, energies, or entities away from you. It can be considered a protection powder or a war powder. "Magic is neither black nor white."
The recipe is simple to scale, too - add all of the spell ingredients in the same amounts. If you add one teaspoon of one ingredient, add one teaspoon of all the others.


  • Glass Jar


  • 1 tsp. Black Salt Magical Properties: Banishing
  • 1 tsp. Cayenne Pepper Magical Properties: Banishing, speed
  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper Magickal Properties: Banishing
  • 1 tsp. Activated Charcoal Magical Properties: Absorbing and neutralizing harmful energy
  • 1 tsp. Habanero Powder Magical Properties: Banishing, discomfort
  • 1 tsp. Red Sandalwood Powder Magical Properties: Purification, protection
  • 1 pinch Sulfur Magickal Properties: Neutralizing harmful energy


  • Using your favorite magickal vessel, add each item one at a time, visualizing harmful influences turning away from your life.
  • Mix thoroughly, visualizing harmful influences turning away from your life.
  • Store in a tightly-sealed glass jar.
  • To use, sprinkle in the shoes of a specific person, around your property for protection, around your desk to stop gossip, or as part of a banishing ritual.


  • Do not use this as incense. 
  • Wash your hands after handling.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth while handling; this will burn.